Chapter 54: Finally

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Katniss P.O.V.

I'm tapping on the ground with my foot, waiting for Peeta to finish his conversation with the doctor. I had to sign some papers and then I was free to go. 
When he finally is, he walks over to me smiling.
'Can we go now?' I ask. He nods. 'Yeah, but you still have to be careful', he says. I smirk. 'Then you'll have to watch me.' He laughs. He grabs my bag and hand in hand we walk out of the hospital. 

'Finally', I whisper as I let the scent of normal life in my nose. 

We get home, and as soon as that door is closed, I pull Peeta onto my body by his shirt and start kissing him. When we pull apart for air, he looks at me with a puzzled-glance. 
'Where was that for?' he asks. I smile sheepishly. 'Because I'm happy that I'm home again', I say quietly. He smiles and pulls me even closer to his body. There is almost no space between us now. 'What about a welcome-home-party?' he whispers seductively. I giggle. 'A party?' I ask. He shrugs. 'Or well, a party with just us', he whispers. I smile against his chest. I have to hide the huge blush that is spreading around my face now. When I think I look normal again, I pull back. 
'I'm sorry, but that has to wait. I'm still very weak', I say teasingly, laying the back of my hand on my forehead to give it a dramatic effect. He chuckles. Then I think about something. Prim!

'Peeta, I'm gonna go and visit Prim, is that okay?' I ask. He nods. 'Yeah, sure. I think I'm gonna go to the bakery', he says. I nod too. I pull myself onto him and kiss him once more. 'Tell her I said hi', he says. I nod. I smile at him and walk out. 

I get into my car and drive to my old home. I still have the keys. I get in and listen if my mom is here. I don't hear anything. I walk upstairs. 
'Prim? Little duck?' I ask. I hear nothing for a moment, but then I hear the sound of a door. 
'Katniss?' I hear the voice of my little sister. I walk through the hall and then she sees me. 
'KATNISS!' she screams and she runs upto me. She wraps her little arms around me and I hug her tightly. 'Little duck, I missed you so much', I say. She looks at me and I see that her cheeks are wet. 
'Ah, Primmy, don't cry. I'm back now', I say and she nods. 'How are things going here', I ask. She shrugs. 'After mom found out you were back, I moved back in here', she says. I nod. 'Did Gale treat you good?' I ask. She nods smiling. 'Very. I had a lot of fun with his little brother, Rory', she says. I smile. I don't want to tell her about my ''situation'' with Gale. 

'And how are you?' she asks. I smile. 'Good. Peeta is really nice for me', I say. She starts to smirk. 'What is it, Prim?' I ask. 'You love him', she says. I start to blush. 'How do you know?' I ask. 
'The way you start to blush when you talk about him. You blush, your eyes start to shine and you almost can't stop smiling when he's mentioned. And the fact that you needed his voice to calm down in your coma, also says enough', she says. Damn, she's too wise for her age. I look down. 'See! Katniss is in lo-hove!' she starts to sing. I tickle her, to make her stop, but she screams only harder between her laughs. 'Katniss loves Peeta!' she yells. I stop and she catched her breath. 
'Well, if you can notice so good that I love him, can you also notice if he loves me?' I ask. I know it's stupid to ask my little sister for reassurement, but I just can't help it. Besides, I like it when people tell me that Peeta loves me. 
'Oh, that's even more obvious that with you', she says. I laugh. I walk with her to her room and sit down on her bed. 

'Alright, tell me', I say. She smiles. 'When he came into the hospital, the look on his face said enough. He looked desperate. And as you know, he never left your side. When we asked him if he wanted to go home, he rejected us immediately. ''I want to stay with Katniss. She's my girl'' he said. And when he heard that you needed hos voice, his face just lighted up like a flashlight. Katniss, the chemistry between you two is so obvious. Even a blind horse can see that', she says. I'm red as a tomato by now. 'Yeah, I really love him', I say. She smiles. Suddenly she snuggles up to me.

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