Chapter 51: Telling

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Katniss P.O.V. 

I'm staring outside the window. I just woke up, and Peeta is still sleeping besides me. I heard the doctor talking to my mother, so I know she's here. She knows I'm here. Home, I mean. I'm gonna get some... I don't want Peeta to be around when she talks with me. He doesn't deserve that. I just really hope she doesn't send me back to New York. 

Peeta starts to stirr next to me and I look up at him. He opens his eyes. to slowly reveal the clear blue colour. 
'Hi', I say smiling. He kisses my forehead. 'Hello, my beauty', he says. I roll my eyes in disbelief and snuggle closer up to him. 'My mom's here, isn't she?' I ask, even though I already know the answer. Peeta doesn't say anything. I look up at him again and he sighs. 'I'm sorry, Katniss. She just came', he says. I nod. 'Yeah, I know', I say quietly. Peetas grip around me tightens. 'But I'm not gonna let you slip away again', he says. I smile and shake my head. 'You better not', I say. He chuckles light and rests his head on top of mine. Just then, the doctor walks in, with my mom standing behind him, still in the hallway. 
'Hello, Katniss. How are you feeling?' the doctor asks. I nod. 'Good. I'm a little sore, and still weak, but I'm fine', I say. The doctor nods and smiles. 'That's good', he says. My mom gives a signal to the doctor, and he walks back into the hallway, closing the door behind him. 

'Can I talk to her about it?' I hear my mom asking. 'Yes, but you have to be careful. She's still really vulnerable', the doctor answers. 'Okay', my mom says, and she comes into the room. I know what's gonna happen now. 
'Peeta, can you go and get some breakfast for me?' I ask, wanting him to leave for this conversation. But as always, he sees right through me. 
'Katniss, I know what you're trying to do, but I'm going nowhere. I'm staying right here with you', he says, smiling. I sigh and nod. He kisses my forehead and looks at my mother. I sit up straight and look at the wall beside me. 

'So, Katniss', my mom says while sitting down. I don't dare looking at her. She stays silent, until I have to look at her. 'How long have you been back?' she asks. 'Don't you know already? From one of my friends?' I ask. 'I want to hear it from you.' I sigh and look at my hand, wich is entwined with Peetas.  
'A couple weeks', I mumble. My mother sighs. 'I knew it', she says under her breath. I look at her. 
'I just couldn't stay there any longer', I say. My mother doesn't say anything, so I go on. 
'I know about Mathew and his study, and I think it's unacceptable that you and Plutarch are trying to keep me away from Peeta, and torturing Mathew by threatening him!' I say. My mother looks up at me again, but doesn't say anything. 

'And I don't care what you think, but I'm staying with Peeta!' I finish. My mother sighs. 'I accept that', she says. 'I can't believe you! How many times do I have to tell you that I don't want to be with Mathew? That I want to be with...', I say as I look at Peeta. But I stop myself. I look back at my mom. 

'What did you say?' I ask. She stares at me. 'I accept that you're living with Peeta', she repeats. I frown. 'That easy?' I ask. She nods. 'I'm still your mother, and I have to protect my child. You can be with Peeta', she says quietly. I smile. 'Thanks', I say. My mother stands up. 

'So... I'm guess I'm gonna... Just... Go', she says. I nod at her. 'I'll see you later', she says and then she leaves. I look at Peeta, smiling brightly. 'I can stay with you. I really can!' I say happily. He smiles and kisses my cheek. 'It'll be just like living in together', he says. I smile and nod. I close my eyes and lay my head on his chest. I can't wait. 


When I wake up, Peeta's gone, and it's dark outside. I look around me and see Amy sitting in the chair besides my bed. 

'Hey', I say hoarsely. She looks up and smiles at me. 'Hey, Kat', she says. I sit up straight. 'How are you doing?' she asks. I nod. 'Quite okay. I'm getting tired of laying here. I want to go outside', I say sighing. She chuckles. 'You just woke up this morning!' I chuckle now too. 'I know, I know', I mumble. I look outside the window. 'What time is it?' I ask. Amy looks at her watch. 
'Half past seven', she says. I nod. Then I remember something. The lingerie! I look at her. 
'Amy... Where did you bring my eh...', I murmur. She giggles. 'It's okay, Katniss. I've brought it to your house. I've put it in the lowest drawer', she says. I nod and sigh in relief. 'And... Where's Gale', I say. Amy looks down. 'He's in the cafeteria. He has been here for a while', she says. I look down too. 'And Peeta?' I ask. 'He's there too', Amy answers. I look up at her. 'Does he...', I ask. She nods. 'Yeah, he knows.' I sigh. 'He's gonna kill him', I say under my breath. Amy shakes her head. 'No, he's not. They've been with you at the same time. They talked', she says. I frown at her. 'Talked about what?' I ask. 


I look down in confusion. Gale and Peeta talked about me together? After Peeta knew what Gale had done? I don't understand. Isn't he mad? At me or at Gale? 

'How do you know that?' I ask. Amy smiles at me. 'I'm a good spy', she says. I chuckle light. Then Gale walks in. I look at him awkwardly. Amy stands up. 'I'm gonna get some coffee', she says and she leaves. Gale takes her place at my bed. 
'Hey, Catnip', he says. I smile weakly at him. 'How you're doing?' he asks. I'm getting so tired of that question. 'Good', I say shortly. He smiles. 'I eh... Wanted to say that... I eh... I'm sorry', he stutters. I look away from him. 
'I shouldn't have kissed you', he says. I stare at the window. 'No, you shouldn't have', I say quietly. I feel that Gale takes my hand in his. 'Katniss, please, look at me', he begs. I turn my head to him, just as Peeta walks in. He stands still and stares at our hands. 

'What's going on here?' he asks. I take my hand out of Gales and look at him. 'Peeta...', I start, but I'm cut off. 'What do you think you're doing?' Peeta says, walking towards Gale. Gale stands up and Peeta pushes him away from me. 'You just think that you can sit here, hand in hand with my girlfriend, after what you did?' Peeta asks angrily. Gale holds up his hands. 'Peeta, relax, I was just trying to-', Gale says, but he's cut off by another push from Peeta. 'She's mine, you understand?' he says. 

'Guys!' I say, and Peeta turns to me. But that wasn't a smart move. Just as Peeta looks at me, Gale attacks him from behind. Peeta falls onto the ground, with Gale on top of him. 
'She isn't! Everything was perfectly fine, before you came here and stole her away from me!' Gale yells. And that's when he punches Peeta. 'No! Gale!' I scream. I try to get out of bed, but my back kills me. I oush through it and walk towards them. Gale is still punching Peeta. 
'You asshole! I tried to give you a change, but you ruined it!' Gale yells. I can see that Peeta is bleeding so I grab Gales right arm. 
'Stop it!' I yell, but Gale yanks his arm and that causes me to fly backwards, smashing the side of my bed. 'Katniss!' I hear Peeta yell, but his voice is cut off by one of Gales punches. 

I stand up - or I try to - and walk towards the red button. I press it and a minute later a doctor comes in. 'What's wrong, mrs. Ever-', he starts, but when he sees the two boys fighting, he runs towards them. 'Boys, boys! Stop fighting!' he screams and he pulls them apart. Gales face is red from anger, and Peetas is red from blood. 'Stop it, or I need to ask you to leave', the doctor says. Gale's breathing heavingly and so is Peeta. Gale yanks his arm and walks away. He looks at me once more and then leaves. 

The doctor looks at Peetas face. 'That'll need some stitches, come on', he says and they leave too. Then I'm alone again. I sit down on my bed and lay my hand on my forehead. I don't feel good. I grab the bucket that's besides my bed and throw up. 

When I'm done, I lay down on the bed and close my eyes. Then Annie and Finnick come in. 
'Hi, what happened?' Annie asks. I sigh. 'Gale and Peeta fought. Gale left and Peeta needed some stitches', I tell them. Annies eyes widen and Finnicks jaw drops. 'Oh my God', Annie gasps. Finnick sits down next to me. 'And you? Are you alright?' he asks. I nod. 'Yeah, I'm okay. I just threw up, but I'm fine now', I say. He smiles and nods. 'Can we do something for you?' he asks. I shake my head smiling. 'No, thanks', I say. 

They stay for a while, but I start to feel tired very soon. 
'Should we go?' Finnick asks. I shake my head, but Annie stands already. 'Yes, we do. Come on, Fin', she says. Finnick makes a puppy-face when he stands up, wich makes me laugh. They greet me and then they leave. I close my eyes but can't sleep. Not without knowing that Peeta is okay. So at two in the morning, I'm still awake. And that's when I hear my door moving, and I feel a hand slipping around mine. I turn my head and put on the light besides my bed. 

I see Peeta sitting in the chair looking at me. I gasp. He has a huge gash above his eye and his lip is torn. And his left cheek is full of bruises. 'Peeta...', I say quietly. He smiles sadly at me. 'I'm okay', he says. 'I'm so sorry', I say. He shakes his head. 'No, it's not your fault. It's his', he says. I lean in to kiss him, but then I remember I just threw up. I lay back and Peeta frowns at me. 
'What's wrong?' he asks. I blush. 'I puked, so I may not smell so nice', I say. He chuckles. 'That's okay. Besides, I can't kiss you for two days anyway. My lip needs to heal', he says, looking sad. That makes me smile. 'I hope I can survive the withdrawal', I smirk. He chuckles again. 

'Peeta?' I ask. He looks at me. 'Will you stay with me?' I ask. He nods and crawls into bed with me. He lays his strong arms around me and I snuggle up to him. 'Always', he whispers, before sleep catches me. 


Poor Peeta... Isn't it his mom, then It's Gale. And why did Katniss' mom so easy? I guess you have to wait to find out... 
Love, -xxx-

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