Chapter 30: Going Home

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Peeta P.O.V.

We're sitting in the taxi again. But this time, Katniss lies in my arms. I have my arms wrapped around her, not sure if I'll ever let go.

She's back. She's back with me. I smile. I missed her so much.

I look outside the window. I had a hard time with Katniss here, all alone. Oh well, all alone... She was with Mathew. But I don't like him at all so that wasn't any better. I saw how he looked at Katniss. I know, because I look at her the same way. He loves her. So we were just in time. She couln't be with him any longer, or he would do some things I rather not think about. I also saw their farewell. Katniss hugged him, and whispered something. But I couln't hear it. And I don't want to ask her, because that would be violation of her privacy. But she's with me now. And I can take care of her now. She'll be living with me in the beachhouse. I smile by the thought.

Katniss P.O.V.

I'm laying in Peetas arms. I'm so glad he got me back. I'm finally going home. I really hope my mother will leave me alone now.

We're reaching the airport. We get out of the car and walk inside the airport.

My phone beeps suddenly.

I stare at my phone. He'll cover me, that's a good thing. But he also said 'love'. I won't show Peeta the message.

We're getting on the plane and I think about Mathew again. He was glad that Annie offered the money, but I saw that he wasn't so happy about me leaving. And I have to say that I'm gonna miss him too. As a friend. I walk into the plane and sit next to Peeta and Finnick.

Soon, Finnick and Annie are making out, and I just look outside the window, with my head on Peetas chest. I hear his heart beating. It's going quick. I smile.
'Why is your heart going so fast', I ask. Peeta looks down at me.
'Because I'm holding you for the first time in a few weeks', he says. I giggle. He's so sweet.

I want to kiss him. But I want it to be special. We haven't kissed in a few weeks, so I don't want it to be rushed or something.

'Did I miss something?' I ask smiling. 'Me, of course', Finnick answers. I turn my head and look at him. He is smirking at me.
'Of course Finnick', I say laughing. He smiles and turns to Annie again. Then I look serious at Peeta.
'And?' I ask. He smiles. 'Eh... You missed Never Have I Ever', he says. 'That's not a bad thing', I say laughing. He chuckles.

'Over all, I don't think you missed anything', he says. I nod. I'm glad at that.

I yawn. I crowl deeper into Peetas embrace. He smiles.
'Katniss, try to sleep', he says. I look at his eyes. They slowly get vaguer, as I let the sleep catch me.

Peeta P.O.V.

Katniss quickly falls asleep. I smile at her. I look outside the window and wrap my arms tighter around her. I have to protect her. From her mother, from Mathew, and from everything that a boy needs to protect his girl from.

I close my eyes too, and notice that I can easier fall asleep than without Katniss.

When I open my eyes, I see the landscape getting closer. We're landing.
I look at Katniss, who's still sleeping, and decide to not wake her up, just carry her.

When we have to leave the plane, I place my hand under her knees and one supporting her back. I lift her up and pull her close to me. I walk out of the airport, going into Finnicks car, finally going home, for real.


Reaaaaaalllllyyyyy short chapter, I know. But I just didn't know what to write. Next chapters will be better, I promise!
Love, -xxx-

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