Chapter 29: Together

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Katniss P.O.V.

Is this real? I don't know. There's a boy standing in front of me. He has blond curly hair. Deep blue eyes that I would never forget. Muscles that make me think he isn't even a human being.

I can't bring out a word. I blink a few times with my eyes.

'Katniss?' I hear a soft, friendly voice say. But I can't place the voice.
I shake my head, trying to come back to reality.

'That's me', I say, to reassure myself. The boy in front of me starts to laugh.
'I know', he says. I feel my cheeks warm up and I look down at my feet.
'Katniss, are you alright?' I hear another voice say. Only now I realize that there are another boy and a girl behind the blond boy. The boy has green eyes and the girl has ruddy red hair.

I close my eyes for a moment. I see short moments race along my eyes. A boy, swimming in the sea and laughing. A girl, laying on a mattress in my room. Another boy, coming towards me, smiling. He kisses me, and then I remember him.

My eyes shoot open and I look at the boy again.
'Peeta!' I yell and I fly around his neck. I let the scent of his shirt, coming into my nose.

How could I not recognize him earlier? He's my boyfriend! My boyfriend! I hug him tighter.

'I missed you', I whisper. I hear him chuckle. 'Me too', he says. Then I look at the other boy.
'Finnick!' I say and I hug him too. He laughs. 'Nice that I get some attention too', he says. I chuckle.

'What about me?' the girl asks. I look at her. 'Annie', I say smiling and I also hug her.
Then I turn to the house again and see Mathew frowning at me.

'Mathew, this is Peeta, Finnick and Annie', I say. He lets his look go over them three. 'Yeah, I thought that', he says.
'Please, come in', I say and the other three follow me through the door.

We sit down on the couch, and I can't stop looking at Peeta. I still can't believe he's here.

'So, what now?' Mathew asks. I look at him. Yeah, I don't know the answer either.
I look at my friends.
'We're taking you home', Peeta says smiling. I smile back to him.

'I don't think so', Mathew says. I frown at him and I see Peeta looking mad at him.
'Why not?' Annie asks. Mathew looks at her.
'Because she's staying with me', he says simply. I frown.

Peeta stands up.
'And what gives you the right to determine that?' he asks. His voice sounds angry.

Mathew steps closer to him.
'I must make a statement to you?' he says. Peetas eyes change. The clear blue colour is changed into a dark blue, almost black colour.

'She's coming with us', he says. Mathew sighs.
'Peeta, my friend, how are you gonna take care of her? Protect her? With me she's save', he says as he lays his hand on Peetas shoulder. Peeta slaps it off.

'I'm not your friend. And yes, I can protect her. She feels save when she's with me. Is she comfortable with you?' he says.

Mathew looks at me. I don't dare looking him in the eye.
'Yes', Mathew says. He's lying. He knows I'm not comfortable with him after our talk.

I stand up and look at Peeta. 'He's lying', I tell him. I like Mathew, but he can't lie to my boyfriend.
Peeta looks from me, to Mathew.
'See? I can take care of her perfectly fine', he says. Mathew looks at me.

'Katniss...', he says quietly. I know what he means. His study.
'We'll figure something out. But one thing I know for sure', I start. I look in Peetas eyes and see the colour change again.
'I'm going home', I finish, still looking at Peeta. He smiles.

I look at Mathew again.
'What do we have to figure out?' Finnick asks, also standing up. Mathew looks at him.
'The reason why I kept Katniss here, is because of my study. Plutarch pays for it, and if I didn't do this, he would stop paying me', he says.

Annie stands next to me and looks at me with shock in her eyes.
I look at Mathew.
'Maybe, my parents can give you an advance. Enough to pay you study and you'll just pay us back when the time's right', Annie says. Mathew looks at her with wide eyes.

'Do you have that much money?' he asks. Annie nods. 'You should see her house, it's enormous. And her parents give awag loads of money to charity', Finnick says smiling. Mathew chuckles and I smile.

'Then that's solved', I say. Mathew nods.
'But, what about your mother? She won't let you be with Peeta', he says. I think about that for a minute.
'I'll take her. She can live with me, and I bet my father will solve that problem', Peeta says. I smile at him.

'Then I think you should go pack your bags', Mathew says. I nod and hurry into my room. I'm finally going home! I'll be living with Peeta! I smile at the thought.


Crappy chapter, I know. But I'm really busy with school right now so I couldn't really concentrate.
But I still hope you liked the story!
Love, -xxx-

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