Bloody Love (Sequel to Fright Night)

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Disclaimer: this is a sequel to my book Fright Night. If you have not read that first, then this story might not make sense to you. All events, characters, and (most) places in this book are absolutely fiction. The boys in this story are not affiliated with the real them, aside from names and looks (and maybe a few low key references to the real them but not really). This story may contain themes such as adult content and violence.

I do have to mention that for some parts I did get a few ideas from the movie breaking dawn. NOT EVERYTHING, but some things are similar (specifically in chapter 4) and I cannot take the credit for those ideas because they are not mine. With that said, the rest of the story ARE my ideas and are protected under federal copy right laws so please do not steal them, that's not very nice. Any other similarities to other media (aside from breaking dawn) are purely coincidental. I hope you enjoy this story!

- Hannah



~~~July 1642~~~

Louis' POV

I looked around at my surroundings. All I saw were trees, lots of them. Everything around me was blurry and everything was happening so fast. I decided to block the world out for a moment to figure out what the hell just happened. I could hear someone's voice. They were hard to understand completely, but I knew they were yelling. I slowly sat up. The world was spinning, or maybe it's just me. As soon as something came into clear view, I studied it to figure out what it was. My friend, Harry.

He was lying on the ground, and he wasn't moving. Slowly and dizzily, I crawled over to his body. Was he dead? No, he can't be dead. I can't lose someone else. I didn't even care to realize the blood stained on my lips. It wasn't mine. Where ever we are, it's not a safe place, I can tell. "Harry?" I whispered to him. I shook his body but he still wouldn't move. The world started to become more clear. It was as if it was brand new. "Harry please" I whispered. He started responding. Not vocally but in movement. He moved his hand just the slightest. He wasn't dead yet. "W-where a-am I?" He spoke out. There was blood stained on his lips too. "W-where are the o-others?"

"I don't know what's happening Harry," I told him. "Are we dead?" He asked. I couldn't give him an actual answer because I wasn't sure myself. I wanted to calm him, but I don't know how. He's just a kid, practically my baby brother, I didn't want this for him. We're both too young to die. Then a voice called out to us both. "I see you boys are awake now."

"Who are you?" I asked. The man walked closer to us, "my name is Simon, and I'm here to help you." Neither me or Harry knew this man, we didn't want anything to do with him either. His eyes were glowing red, and he had sharp teeth poking from under his lip. "We don't want your help," I told him, trying to help Harry sit up. Simon smiled and laughed, like I was some big joke. "She made you like this Louis, she did it for a reason, and you have no idea what's even happening." I'm only assuming the 'she' he's talking about is my girlfriend, but that's not what caught my attention. "How do you know my name?" I asked. He smirked, "I know more than you realize. Now lets get you boys something to drink."

What's happening to me? I couldn't focus straight. I was light headed and that man gave me the creeps. He didn't even look human. "Louis your eyes," Harry said to me. I felt under my eyelid, but nothing seemed different. I didn't have a mirror. "What?" I asked. "They're that mans," Harry responded. The man, Simon, came back with something. It looked like a human, a struggling human. "You first Louis" he told me. What's that smell? It was a heavenly smell, but it also scared me. It was strong and made my mouth water for it, but I didn't leave Harry's side. "Now Louis. Listen to your elder," Simon demanded. His eyes started turning to a darker shade of red, almost black. Harry encouraged me to listen.

I slowly got up, but it was difficult to catch my balance. I cautiously walked over to Simon, afraid. The struggling human was bleeding from her neck, I didn't recognize who she was. She was crying, begging for her life. Simon pushed her into me, making me back up a little trying to catch her. "You need to feed boy," Simon told me. I wasn't sure what he meant by that. I'm not even sure what I was doing. I started studying the girls neck like it was chocolate cake. Her blood was dripping down her shoulder, making me dribble (drool).

"What's happening?" I asked. My heart was pounding, and the air started to thin. I was scared out of my mind. "You're transitioning Louis, it's very normal to feel this way. Just drink," Simon said. I won't. I can't! But...I have to. I want to, really badly. I don't recognize this feeling but it's extraordinary. My teeth extended, forming two little sharp fangs on each side of my mouth. Before I knew what was happening I bit into the girls wound. She screamed in pain but I didn't care. Her blood was so sweet. After a minute I let go of her, and she fell to the ground. Her blood dripped down my lips making a huge mess on my clothes, but that was the least of my worries.

"Good boy," Simon pleaded. Then I realized what I had done. That girl, I killed her. "What's happening to me?" I asked. I'm pretty sure I've asked this question a million times today but this is the first time I got a good answer. "You're a vampire," Simon said. A vampire? Those blood sucking demons the towns people talk about a lot. I didn't want to believe him but I kinda had a feeling he was telling the truth. "I'm dead?" I asked quietly. I could hear Harry starting to cry in the background. The poor boy had to witness what I had done, not knowing what to think. Simon responded, "yes Louis, if you choose to look at it that way." I had a million questions but not enough time to ask. Harry was scared shitless, I just killed a girl, and I still don't know who Simon is. I'm dead. A vampire. I'm terrified, but at the same time I never felt more alive. Simon smirked, "now lets get Harry something warm to drink."


A/N hii. Welcome to the sequel:) hope u like the prologue. Chapter 1 will be up in like 10 mins probably. I'm updating like crazy today for you guys.

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