Chapter one

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I chew on the inside of my lip and stare off into space as the teacher talks to the class. In all reality every person in here is doing the same thing that I'm doing. It's safe to say less than half a classroom actually listens the whole time in class.

But that's what being a teen is all about right? Not listening? Misbehaving? Making mistakes that have big consequences and then learning from them?

That's the beauty of this all. You can do as many wrong things as you want and get caught for every single one of them and blame it on the stupidity of the teenage mind. Blame it on hormones. Drunken nights out and misbehaving. We can get away with nearly anything.

"Everyone! We are getting new seats today so gather your things and stand around the room!" Ms. Fleming instructs

Me and Kelsey, my best friend, groan because we have been so lucky to have been able to sit next to each other for more than half the year. Everyone figured we wouldn't move seats again because it's been so long. Now she wants to switch us around as if we are uncomfortable where we are.

"Brandyn" she points to a desk




She runs down the list, not missing a beat, she's definitely got a rhythm going on. Once she gets to the very last row, I feel my name about to be called. Who doesn't hate that moment? Legs shifting uncontrollably in anticipation and praying you didn't make the wrong choice by not clearing your throat before saying, "here." 

"Macy" she points to the very back desk in the corner.

At least I can be on my phone without getting caught now...and not feel like the whole room is staring at me.

I take my seat and give a sad face to Kelsey who sits all the way in the front of the classroom.

"Wes" is the next name is she calls and points to the seat next to mine

Is this a joke? Did she just seat Wes right next to me?

This can not happen to me

Wes is like the oddest kid in school. No one can really say that he is weird because no one talks to him, everyone just sees him around. He just started here this year but he has already gained quite the reputation.

But don't get me wrong, that's not why he's weird, this is the odd part.

He wears his hood up every day. And I do mean every day. No one even knows what he looks like. The only thing that you are able to see are his lips because his head is bent so low that his eyes are hidden. Every day, we are all in trouble for wearing our hoods up in class but this wes kid wears it every day and gets by with it. Which means the teachers are in on some kind of agreement with him.

What his problem is, no one knows.

What is he hiding from? What does he have to hide? Why does he have to hide his face of all things? He can't be that ugly. I mean, is this guy like the ugliest guy to walk the earth or is he some kind of Greek god? Who knows. I'm not the only one curious about him. Wes Gregory is the talk of the day...every day. You should hear some of the wild theories floating around the school.

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