Chapter twenty three

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"So suddenly you and Wes Gregory are all cuddly and sweet?" Kelsey asks me. "I don't remember you two even acting like you knew each other sound school or anywhere else."

I shrug and toss my things in my locker before shutting it. "I don't remember me and Wes's life ever being any of your business."

Kelsey and wen and Kenny all exchange looks with amused faces.

"What happened to the infamous Trevor Lang that you became so keen of?" Kenny asks me.

I roll my eyes. "Leave it alone"

He chuckles. "Sex with Wes has changed you so much that you no longer have feelings for that ice cold killer?"

"You don't know anything." I reply. "Wes and I haven't had sex."

Kelsey gives a scoff. "Oh please. After you have sex with a guy you come to school the next day looking as if you've been hit by a truck due to how hard you went."

Wen and Kenny laugh at that, agreeing with the statement

"But you've never come to school wearing a smile that brightens up the room and a glow about you." Kelsey states. "So you either won the lottery or you had sex with someone you actually have feelings for."

She glances between the boys and then says, "I'd say the second one, yeah?"

A blush forms over my cheeks when I know I am caught. "Okay fine. Wes and I had sex. Just don't tell anyone"

"Was it good?" Kelsey asks

My eyes light up and go wide. "It was fantastic!"

We share a squeal as we continue on to talk about exactly what happened and how it felt.

She sighs with a warm smile. "I wish I knew what it felt like to have sex with someone you love."

Her face then twists in confusion before she asks, "have you seen his face? I mean, you had sex with him so you have to know what he looks like...right?"

I bite my lip. "Ummmm"

Now her eyes go wide in pure shock and horror. "You made love to someone you haven't even seen?!"

"Shh!" I hush her. "Keep it down." I let out a sigh. "I haven't seen his face yet but that doesn't matter. It's not the looks that I am falling for."

"That is the oddest thing I have ever heard in my life"

"Yeah I know it's odd that I haven't seen his face but-"

"No. I'm talking about when you said that it's not the looks you are falling for." She shakes her head. "That is so weird."

I roll my eyes. "Well judging by the way his chest and arms felt, I can tell you right now that his body is spectacular."

"Oh I bet it is. I love it when he wears those a bit tight sweatshirts where it hugs his broad, muscular, amazing-"

"Okay!" I interrupt. "I've heard enough of that. He's mine, remember?"

Sex, drugs, and Wes GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now