Chapter five

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"I don't know why you don't just break up with him. Or him break up with you." I point out to Kelsey. "Everyone is talking about him sleeping with Harper so this is your time to break it off."

She gives me a 'are you dumb' look. "And everyone was also talking about me sleeping with Harry, which was true by the way and he didn't break up with me."

"Don't you see the problem with your relationship?" I ask. "If you want to go around fucking guys then go around fucking guys but I don't see why you have to drag each other around."

She gives a short shrug and I can tell that she is now wondering the same thing I am wondering. She probably hasn't even  thought about any of this before.

"I like being in a relationship but I also like a variety" she says simply as if she doesn't sound like a complete slut.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever. I don't think I can help you with this issue."

Awkward doesn't even begin to describe the way I feel when walking into geometry.

Wes is already at his seat, hunched forward over his desk and his head down.

I haven't even seen his face and just the sight of him right now makes my mouth water.

Sucking it up, I walk straight through the row of desks to my seat and plop down.

Wes: how is your face?

Me: nothing a little makeup can't handle

Wes: people usually don't cover up their bruises when they just fall. They usually cover them up when someone caused it.

Me: whatever

Wes: I can't help you if you don't let me in

Me: and I can't ever really know you if you don't let me in.

I notice his fingers flex in anger around his phone.

Wes: I don't need help, you do.

Me: I can handle myself

Wes: clearly that's a lie

My own frustration gets to me and I fight back the urge to scream out at him.

Part of me wants to tell him everything. Then the other part of me wants him to let the situation go so my life can just be the way it always has been.

Even if he did know the truth, he wouldn't be able to do anything. This is my own mother who is beating me, not some stalker or boyfriend that he can threaten and beat up if try ever do it again.

I decide to stuff my phone back in my back pocket and forget that he ever texted me.

I pay no attention to him after class, during hall breaks. I don't look at him durning lunch or any other classes we have together either. I don't even answer the numerous amount of texts he ha sent me since first period.

"He's going to go ape shit if you don't respond to any of his texts or pay attention to him." Kelsey says to me during lunch

"No he won't" I wave it off

"Look at the way he is gripping the lunch table" she says

Peaking up from behind my hair, I see that his body is rigid and his hands are in fact gripping the desk to the point where his knuckles are turning white.

"Okay" I say. "But that probably isn't towards me."

She gives me a look. "It's definitely towards you." She assures me. "But tonight we are going to drown away all of our worries with liquor at the party."

I laugh. "My ideal night is not drowning myself in liquor, Kel."

"Well tonight it is" she says with a bright smile. "And we are both going to get layed."

"Me? No. I thought I told you that my slut days are over."

She stares at me for a long second and then bursts out laughing the same time that I do.


"Oh wear this!" Kelsey says, throwing a light pink crop top at me

I throw it back at her. "No"

Kelsey wears a pair of super right skinny jeans and a black crop top that shows off her perfectly toned stomach

Kelsey is more of the slit that you pass in the hallways on the first day of school and think to yourself "oh yeah, she's definitely a slut" just by looking at the way she dresses

I'm more of the slut that you wouldn't be able to know was a slut until you began dancing with her at a party or talked to her a school.

So I get dressed in a long sleeved grey dress that hangs off of me. It isn't too tight but it isn't too loose either.

My waist length blond hair is in waves down my back and my makeup is not too dark but dark enough to make my blue eyes seductive.

I slip on my wedges and say, "you ready?" Right before spraying on perfume

She gets up from where she is sitting and follows me out my bedroom door.

Luckily for everyone, everything is basically a walking distance if you don't have a ride.

All of the neighborhoods are close together and you can usually cut through a house to get to the next neighborhood as a shortcut.

No one wastes gas money that much on just going to a party unless they live a little farther away or is planning to go somewhere after the party. Other than that, walking is everyone's thing

By walking, you have every chance to run into another group of people that you know which is always fun.

No one would want it any other way around here.

Sex, drugs, and Wes GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now