Chapter thirteen

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I wake up to see Wes laying face down on the couch next to the one I lay in. He has a blanket draped over him, laying half on him and half off of him.

His right arm is hanging off the couch and his hood is still pulled up over his head.

I sit up on my own couch, running my fingers through my tangly hair. 

Then a thought comes to my mind

He's asleep....and I have time to see what is under that hood of his.

I stand up and tip toe over to his side. Kneeling down, I inch my hand slowly and steadily towards his face.

Suddenly a hand grips my wrist, stopping me.

"Nice try, princess." Wes's voice says, letting go of my hand and sitting up. "Do you and me both a favor and don't try again."

"What are you hiding?" I ask. "What is so important that you can't tell me?"

"Just like you hide yourself from the whole world, I do the same." He replies.

"But I let you in, Wes. Now it's your turn."

He shakes his head from under his hood. "We both have a choice. You had the choice as to rather or not you wanted to let me in. Now I have a choice on rather or not I want to let you in.  My choice is to not and I couldn't care less if you like it or not."

"I just don't get it-"

"You don't have to."

He abruptly stands up, knocking me back on my butt.

"Where are you going?" I ask, quickly standing up and following him as he walks away.

"I have to go back home. I fell asleep and I shouldn't have stayed with you. My dad is going to be wondering where I was." He answers. "I'll come back later on."

"But Wes-"

"You know where everything is if you need it." He concludes before walking out the front door.

I slowly walk back to the living room, sitting down on the couch and pulling my knees up to my chest, placing my chin on top of them.

Rather I want to admit it or not, I have some kind of feelings for Wes. There is something about the mystery of him that keeps me wanting more of him.

I just wish he would tell me


I didn't realize that I had been in the same position in the same place for hours upon hours until the door of the guest house opens and then Wes enters the living room.

"You aren't looking so good" Wes says "what's wrong?"

I shrug, staring straight ahead. "Nothing. I just don't have anything to do. What did you come here for?"

"To give you this" he says, throwing something at me. "It'll help with the emotional pain."

I pick up the Baggie from my lap. "Weed" I say. "You are giving me weed...?" Four blunts rest inside the Baggie, already rolled and ready to smoke.

"Just try it. You'll find that it will help." He says dryly.

"I'm not going to-"

"Try it." He interrupts before leaving.


My whole body is numb

I feel like I'm a thousand feet off the ground

Everything feels and looks so nothing could ever be wrong

All my problems, all of my worries are if they never existed.

I feel as if everything as bigger than it seems, like everything has a bigger meaning.

The marijuana smoke swirls from my lips and into the air around me. It clings to my clothes and fills my nose.

Maybe I've needed this all along. Maybe marijuana has always been the answer to all of my questions, the solution to all of my problems.

"You like what I gave you?"

The sound of Wes's voice brings me out of my thoughts.

"I love it" my almost silent voice says. "Everything is so perfect..." I look over at his figure by the entrance of the living room. "You look so perfect."

He chuckles at that. "I knew you'd find it to be in your favor."

My body feels like it's spinning, my head feels that way too.

"How many did you smoke?" He asks as he walks forward and grabs the Baggie. "Three" he asks in a little shock. "You probably shouldn't smoke so many on your first time."

My head falls back on the back of the couch.

"How do you feel?" He asks me

"Like I'm floating" I mumble

"Good" he grunts. "Maybe you won't be such a bitch all the time."

I giggle at that for a reason I'm not sure of. "Okay" is all I say

"Be in bed at a decent time. We have school tomorrow."

"School..." I whisper, glancing around

"Yeah. School. Go to bed." He turns to leave

I jump up to go after him but I instantly fall to the floor. I laugh and try to get back up.

"Don't go" I plead, walking towards him with lazy eyes

He stops at the front door, one hand in the doorknob and the other one hanging loose at his side. His head is dipped down.

"I have to go, mace."

I smile and reach my hands out, touching his arm. "You called me mace" I say groggily. "I like it."

He shifts on his feet uncomfortably. "I have to go."

My hand slides up his arm and over to his chest. My fingers graze over the thick fabric of his sweatshirt. My eyes stare at his chest.

His body tenses under my touch and his hand grips the doorknob firmly. "Macy, I need you to not touch me."

"Why?" I ask

"Because I just..." He sighs and shoves my hand away from him. "I just can't have you getting close to me."

Then he leaves

Sex, drugs, and Wes GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now