Chapter twenty four

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"How lovely to see you again...Macy."

I turn to see Trevor Lang standing behind me, bringing a drink to his lips with a mischievous glint in his eye and smirk on his lips.

"Trevor" I can't help the smile on my face when I see him.

Wes and I haven't been on good terms lately. I don't even know what we are to be honest. Everything is so rocky all the time so it feels good to have Trevor here with me.

"Why am I getting the feeling that you are stalking me?" I joke.

He shrugs, sharing a smile. "I just know the right place to be at the right times."

I blush slightly at his words and look away.

"I was thinking..." He begins

I raise an eyebrow at his start.

"That you never asked I was able to kill all of those people from a mile away." He says

I evert my eyes from his and continue to browse through the clothes on the rack at the outlet mall we are at.

"I never thought it was any of my business." I reply, still keeping my eyes off of his.

He makes a "huh" sound from behind me.

Of course I have wondered how he was able to do that like every other person who knows of the Trevor Lang story.

But some things you just would rather go without knowing sometimes. The curiosity is still there but chose to ignore it rather than address it.

Thinking that he was going to just move on from the subject, he doesn't let me bypass it.

"I know that you are wondering it though" he says

"Everyone is." I reply back shortly

"Well I figured it is time that I told you."

My head snaps up to look at him. "Me?" I ask quite dumbly. "Why?"

"Because you deserve to know."

I let out a breath. "We have only talked a handful of times and you are trusting me with things like that?"

He doesn't answer my question, instead he says, "let's leave the store. Let's sit outside on that bench where it's a bit more private."

I get looks from every which way when people spot me with the infamous Trevor Lang. I get some dirty looks from some girls and puzzled looks from guys.

Some people even stop to take pictures of Trevor, doing what they think is whispering over to the person they are with.

This all makes me realize that Trevor people doesn't leave the house much and that is why people are so stunned to actually see him face to face instead of on a tv screen.

"Sorry about the people" he mutters. "I'm sure you aren't liking it all too much."

We walk farther away from the groups of people, becoming more isolated as we enter a park across the street.

"You don't go out much do you?" I ask. "That's why people are so hung up over you still?"

He shrugs shortly. "When you do certain things such as I did, the attention you get will never end. Throughout your whole life, no matter where you go people are still going to freak when they actually see someone as I.

"In answer to your question; no, I don't get out much. I don't like the attention, the questions, the crowds. People bombard me with comments and questions all the time but they don't get that I don't want to hear them all the time."

I nod, getting what he is saying.

We take a seat on a park bench where no one is around, just the two of us.

"I have always been more of a keep to myself and nonsocial type of person" he begins. "But when I was fourteen it got worse. I didn't have any friends, I was a mute. So i found something I was interested in and I consumed my time with reasoning books on guns. Soon after I knew everything there was to know, I began to use them.

"I have only liked rifles because there is only one bullet so you have to be right on the money.

"I woke every day and practiced shooting. All day I would practice and practice until I could shoot blindfolded and hit right on the center of the target.

"Then I challenged myself even more. I began putting more and more distance between the target and I. I learned that I had to measure things like wind speed and everything. So I taught myself that.

"I developed a certain interest in snipers. I liked the thought of putting a clean bullet through someone's head from a distance without them seeing me."

His last words send a chill throughout my body.

"Then eventually I got better and better until I was in a building after setting up some targets a miles away from where I was. I had my doubts that it wouldn't work, that I was going to far...but when I shot that rifle and I saw that can fly through the air, I knew that I had just done something great."

He lets out a breath. "I knew that when I killed those officers, I would have to far away from the crime sene so that I am not rushing, so that I'm not caught.

"That's how I knew how to shoot like that."

I blink a few times. "I can't believe you taught yourself all of that. You are like a true sniper but without the actual training. Who would have thought that you could train yourself to do all of that stuff. It's crazy."

I see him smirk from beside me

"That's what you have to say?" He chuckles. "No fear? Trembling? You don't feel like you want to run or don't want to be around me anymore?"

My eyebrows come together in confusion. "No...why would I not want to be around you anymore?"

His head turns to look at me and a true smile appears on his face; a smile so perfect that it could light up a room.

Sex, drugs, and Wes GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now