Chapter thirty five

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I come home at around one in the morning. I drop my keys on the table along with my jacket and walk farther into the house to find Macy.

Entering the living room, I take in the sight before me with an emotionless face.

Macy and Gabriel sit on the couch. She has her body curled up to the side of his with her head on his shoulder and both of her hands gripping his right one.

They are both fast asleep and the tv volume is down low, barely audible.

I nod my head as if accepting what I am seeing and turn back around the way I came.

I grab my keys after shrugging on my jacket and leave the house once again.


I wake up curled up against Gabriel.

His hair his flopped forward against his forehead and his lips are slightly parted as he breathes heavily.

I untangle myself from him and sit up right on the couch. I arch my back hen I feel it ache and then rake my fingers through my messy hair.

We must have fallen asleep like this while we were watching some movie after our long talk.

I creep up to Trevor's room but he isn't in there.

Making a face, I check all the other room and he isn't in there either. Then I see that his truck isn't in the driveway.

He wasn't supposed to be out all night. He was suppose to come home last night

I try his cell but he doesn't answer. After three more calls they start going straight to voicemail instead of ringing through.

He has to come home eventually.

"Gabriel" I say, shaking him a little.

He rubs his tired eyes and his hair flops  down on them. "Hmm?" He grumbles, still half asleep

"Do you want to go up to another bedroom?" I ask. "The couch isn't too comfortable."

He then opens his eyes and looks at me as if just realizing where he is and that I am right here.

"Hey" he says as if in a trance

I raise my eyebrows and laugh a little. "Hi"

He runs his fingers through his hair, letting some of it stick up and some fall on his forehead.

"Did you hear what I asked you?" I ask


"Did you want to go upstairs and sleep in one of the bedroom? It's probably more comfortable." 

"What time is it?"

"About eleven"

"Is Trevor here?"

"No...he's not."

He stands up and stretches. "I should probably stay up then."

"You don't have to."

He shrugs. "It's alright." He smiles sweetly and nudges my hip and says, "I'll keep you company." Before moving past me.

A blush forms on my cheeks.

I hear the shower start down the hall and I smile a little.

I shower myself and put on a pair of skinny jeans and a grey sweatshirt.

Leaving my room, I spot Gabriel coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and his wet hair matted against his forehead.

His chiseled abs have single drops of water slipping down them.

I lick my lips, not able to take my eyes off of him.

"If you would stop eye raping me, I'd highly appreciate it."

I blink a few times and turn my head away. "Sorry" I flush. "Sorry" I repeat.

He chuckles. "It's cute when you blush like that" he points out, taking steps closers to me.

I roll my eyes and put my hands over my face. "Stop" I laugh.

"I know I have my flaws, I'll admit that" he says with a smirk. "But I have my ways too."

I laugh and roll my eyes, moving past him. "Put some clothes on."


I run out to the living room when I hear the front door open and close.

Trevor stands there, with his clothes matted and wrinkled and his his hair a complete mess.

With his eyes set on mine, he tosses the keys down on the coffee table and drops his jacket onto the couch.

"Sleep well last night?" He asks with no emotion on his face or in his voice. "You looked quite comfortable to me."

My eyebrows draw together. "What?"

"I came home and saw you all sweetly pressed against my brother." He says. "Thought I'd let you two have your night together."

"What are you talking about? We were watching a movie and we fell asleep. Nothing happened if that's what you think. I thought I told you I love you. I'm not interested in anyone else but you."

He just continues to stare at me for a long time before shrugging and looking around the room.

Suddenly a different, non familiar smell fills the room. A smell that I never thought I'd smell on him.

The warm sent of vanilla fills my nose, a smell that certainly didn't come from me.

"Who were you with last night?" I confront him.

"I'm not sure what you are talking about, Macy" he claims, with a manipulative look in his eyes.

"Yes you do. I can smell the bitch on you!" I yell. "You're such an asshole! How could you do this to me?!"

He rolls his eyes. "I'm going to go take a shower."

"Really? That's it? You fuck a bitch, come home and get caught, and all you have to say is that you are going to take a shower?"

He stares for a second as if making sure that it isn't a trick questions. "Uh..." He scrunched up his face in confusion. "Yes?"

He moves past me and goes upstairs

Gabriel passes by me mumbling, "love covers up shit"

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