Chapter thirty one

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"Why are you being so rude!" I yell at Trevor, standing in his living room, yelling at him as he walks back into the room when he hears me raise my voice.

"Who the fuck are you looking for, Macy?!" He yells. "Wes or Trevor! I thought you had it through your pretty little head that Wes is Trevor! I am Wes too!"

"Fuck Wes! Fuck him!" I yell

"Fuck him?!" He repeats as a questions

"Fuck you!"

He laughs and points a finger at me. He's about to say something but he is cut off by a knock at the door.

"Answer it" he orders, dropping down onto the couch as he sips from the beer he brought back from the kitchen

I give him a dirty look from behind his back but do as he says.

Opening the door, my eyes widen a little when I see a guy standing in front of me.

He has dirty blond hair that is spiked up every which way, looking as if he just woke up and didn't make any move to fix it.

He has deep blue eyes and stands at Trevor's height. His body is broad and built as Trevor's is but not quite as big.

He had a boyish face but I can tell that his attitude is going to be manly.

I suddenly feel a bit self conscious in my yoga shorts and tank top.

"Can I help you?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest when his eyes wonder there.

"I'm here to see Trevor." His deep voice says

"You are...?"

"Gabriel." He answers. "Trevor's brother."

My mouth gapes open and I blink at him a few times before finally gaining my composure once again.

"Come in" I open the door wider and allow him to pass me. "Trevor is in here."

Going back into the living room, Trevor says, "who was it-" but he quickly stands up when he sees who enters the room behind me.

"Gabe." Trevor says

"Hey big brother" Gabe smiles

Trevor runs a hand over the thick hair growing along his jaw and chin.

"Come on now, don't be impolite. Introduce me to your lover." Gabe says slyly

"I'm Macy" I say before Trevor, showing that I can speak for myself and I don't need his help. "Nice to meet you."

He looks at me with what looks like a knowing smile. "Nice to meet you too. I didn't know you could pick them so well, Trevor. She is quite the-"

"What are you doing here?" Trevor asks with a sharp tone, setting his beer down on the coffee table.

Gabe turns his head back to Trevor. "Our fathers funeral needs to be discussed. I came in town to talk to you about it."

Trevor scoffs and shakes his head. "You want to plan a funeral?" He asks as if it's insane. "For what? Our father is dead. He was butchered, Gabriel. Move on. There will be no funeral. He is going to be put in the ground and it will be over."

Sex, drugs, and Wes GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now