Chapter thirty nine

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"This is going to be slow and painful" Trevor snarls at Henry who holds his wife's lifeless body to his chest.

I drop to my knees and put my bloody face in my hands, not being able to take anymore.

I can hear the knife going into the mans body and his screams full the room around us.

I squeeze my eyes shut as if trying to make the sound go away but it doesn't.

Soon I can hear Henry's screams get muffled by the blood pouring into his mouth.

It seems like hours until the screams completely stop and the sound of the knife going into his body dies off.

My head slowly raises from my hands to take in the scene around me.

The mans face is completely unrecognizable. Blood is pooled on and all around his now still body.

Trevor stands over his body, wiping blood from his face. Blood covers him exactly as much as it covers the man. Blood splatters and smears are across his face and his once white shirt is now dripping in Henry's blood.

Gabriel stands in the corner of the room with no expression on his face exactly like Trevor. His shoulders sag and his arms hang limp by his sides.

Trevor drops the bloody knife on the floor with a clank but still holds the gun in his other hand. He stumbles backwards away from Henry's body.

"Trevor..." I breathe, standing up.

"You were right" he says, not looking at me. "I'm either going to prison for the rest of my life or being sentenced to death.

"I'm not going to have a life. As of just a little bit ago, my life ended. I could try to be found innocent again...I'm good at that but the thing is....

"I have no more fight left in me" he says finally. "I have nothing in me. I feel as if I have died already."

Trevor's head drops. "What do I do from here? What's the point in staying alive? What for?"

He shrugs and drops his shoulders heavily.

I walk towards him but he takes a step back

"Gabriel..." He begins. "I'm sorry for beating you with dad that one day. I'm sorry for being mean. I'm sorry for never caring. I'm sorry for calling you names. I'm sorry for making you feel like no one cared for you because truly I did, I just didn't know how to how it.

"I didn't mean to make you feel that way, Gabriel. I regret going all those years never having a relationship with you. Maybe I would have turned out better if I acted nice to you."

I can see tears in Gabriel's eyes and I can tell that his words mean the world to him, that he has been waiting to hear them for a long time.

Gabe nods his head and glances around, trying to fight the tears that are so close to dropping down his flushed cheeks.

"Dad loved you" Trevor tells him. "I know he did. He had pictures of you everywhere. I know that if he could take back what he did to you then he would. He just never knew how to how his love and care for neither of us.

"I get that it's probably too late to tell you all of this. And I know that I am asking a lot but I can you do one thing for me, Gabriel?"

Gabe asks, "what?" In a soft, choked up tone

"Forgive me" he breathes out. "Please, please forgive me, Gabriel."

The tears then run down Gabriel's cheek, no longer able to fight the tears or the lump growing in his throat.

"Trevor..." Gabe sighs in relief. "I forgave you a long time ago."

Trevor smiles a little and nods.

He then turns to face me with a soft expression. "Macy...I'm sorry for treating you so horribly. I'm sorry for yelling at you, cussing you out, hurting you, for cheating on you. You never deserved me. You deserved so much better, so much more.

"You're such a wonderful human being. You never let what your mother did break you down or make you had person, all of it made you a better person. I admire that in you."

The lump now forms in my throat and tears build at the rim of my eyes.

"I never told you this before, Macy but..." He takes in a deep breath and then lets it out. "I love you."

Then the tears begin to roll down my face.

"I've loved you since the first day I got seated next to you in first period. I saw you and I knew that you were the one for me. Everything about you is so perfect.

"I should have showed you how much I loved you before. I regret not doing that. But right here, right now, know that a minute never passed where I didn't love you."

I can't help but to think about how much this sounds like a goodbye.

And then it hits me...

The moment I say I love you is the moment you know that I'm about to die

Trevor's words from before replay and replay in my mind. I stare at the floor, praying that he didn't really mean it, that he was just saying that.


The sound of the gun cocking makes my eyes raise up and my lungs suck in a breath.

His arm slowly but surely raises

Then I find my voice

"Wait Trevor! No-"

A gun shot rings throughout the room and Trevor's now lifeless body falls with a loud thud to the floor.

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