Chapter four

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I walk through the grocery store, weaving my way through the isles to go always back to the pharmacy to get her prescription that my mom made me come all the way here to get.

I don't know what it's for but if it is going to keep her from going insane and screaming at me then so be it for now until I can figure out a way to get her help.

I could call someone to get her help but then where would that put me? In a foster home? I'm not yet eighteen yet so I would have to be put there.

I need an alternative

I round the corner of an isle and bump shoulders with someone who rounds the corner towards me.

The persons hands grip my hips tightly to keep me from falling when I almost lose my balance from the impact sense the person clearly needed to be somewhere quickly and was barreling toward me.

I then suck in a breath when my head raises up to see Wes standing before me.

His hands instantly dart away from my body when he clearly realizes that it's me.

He keeps his head bent low with his hood still up.

"Macy..." His husky voice says deeply to me

Even the sound of his voice makes me weak in the knees. And hearing it in person is far better than over the phone. "Wes..."

He reaches inside his hood with his hand and scratches the back of his neck. "I'll call you later." He says and makes a move to brush past me

I reach out and grab his arm, stopping him and I hear him grunt in frustration.

He keeps his head bent and turned away from me so that I don't see his face.

"Just like that?" I ask. "You are just going to walk off and not talk?"

"I said I'd call you later didn't i?"

"That's different than in person." I tell him

He huffs. "I'll call you later" he says against before walking away with determination in his step.

I sag in defeat but keep on with my own  reason that I came for.

"Here mom" I hand her medicine

She snatches the bag from my hand and glares at me. "You took long enough, you brat." She snaps at me in a harsh tone

I wince at her voice but keep my composure.

"I ran into someone at school." I inform her my reason for taking a little longer than normal

"Probably another booty call, right?" She rasps. "You slut. No wonder you never bring home guys; you've already fucked them all."

I shrink back at her words. "Mom-"

"No daughter of mine will be a whore!" She yells before bringing her hand down hard on my face.

My hand swings to the side at the impact and I grip my jaw in my hand as I back away from her.

My mother has hit me before, it isn't on a rare occasion but it doesn't happen every day either. It usually happens when she has went over her limit of drinks for the day.

Sex, drugs, and Wes GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now