Chapter thirty seven

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I don't know what I was thinking, I'm not sure what was going through my head when I literally volunteered to go with them.

Maybe I didn't really believe it was going to happen. Maybe all this time I was making something ugly seem pretty.

None of it seemed real until I heard the woman scream from upstairs where Gabriel went.

My heart stopped and I felt as if I couldn't breathe no matter how hard I tried.

I blink rapidly as if that would make what I am hearing and seeing go away. But it didn't work.

"If you are man enough to be here then you are man enough to see this" Trevor says, coming out of the back room with the unconscious man hanging off of him as if he is weightless. "Let's go"

What the fuck was I thinking?!

I put myself in this mess!

I can't blame anyone but myself on this one!

Am I nuts?! Who puts themselves in situation like this?! I could see where someone would put themselves in a situation where everyone is drinking and doing drugs and you feel uncomfortable but this? This is the extreme.

I must be more insane than the two guys I'm here with

I follow Trevor up the stairs slowly.

He drops the man on the floor with a loud thud and he lays there limp.

Then I see the woman who must be the mans wife. She is a mess. Tears stream down her face and sobs escape her lips. Her makeup is smeared and a pleading look is on her face.

"Cry all you want to" Trevor says, lighting a cigarette and breathing in the smoke as he takes a seat in a rocking chair facing the two victims.

Gabriel stands with a hard expression on his face, watching the woman.

"It's alright" Trevor assures her. "You have just a little bit more time until your husband wakes up."

"What happens when he wakes up?" She asks in a wobbly voice

"I'm going to kill you and make him him watch." He answers without emotion

A wail leaves her lips as she doubles over as if she is in pain. The tears come harder and my heart aches for her.

"Why?" She cries. "Why are you doing this to us?"

"Your husband isn't a good man, sweetheart" Trevor answers her. "He is into the production and selling of drugs."

She shakes her head. "N-no-no he is not."

"Sure he is" he rocks back and forth in the chair. "And you know what else?"

She stares

"Your husband killed my father."

She shakes her head rapidly as she glances between her limp husband and Trevor's face. "He wouldn't have done such a thing. He's a great man."

"They all are" Trevor chuckles. "No one ever thinks they will do something until they do it and then all of a sudden people want to act like he or she would have never done something so brutal. It's all the same old sob story."

She stares down at the carpet, taking all of it in.

"I bet he doesn't understand what it's like to lose the one person he was closest too when you are so young? He took my father away from me just so he could take my fathers place in the drug business." Trevor tells her. "What do you think about that?"

She fumbles for words. "I had nothing to do with that."

"I'm aware" he responds. "Thanks for that. But when you marry a dick you pay the price."

She then slowly raises up, her eyes focused in on Trevor. "You're that boy, the one who killed all those officers a year ago. Trevor L-"

"Oh look...he's waking up." Trevor says, swerving the conversation

"Wha-wha-what's going on?" He asks, rubbing his face. "Honey?"

"These boys are here because-"

"How are you, Henry?" Trevor asks, putting his cigarette out on the chair arm.

Henry's eyes harden but fear is set strongly in them. "What are you doing here, Trevor?"

"Oh you know what I'm doing here, Henry" he replies. "Take a wild guess."

He just sits there, continuing to stare

"Afraid to say it?" Trevor asks with a slight smirk. "Huh." He tilts his head to the side. "I'm here to cut you up as you cut up my father. I'm going to mimic my fathers death upon you." His smirk grows. "You should have been sweeter about it, Henry."

"Trevor you don't have to do-"

"Of course I have to do this" I inturrupt. "What if your pretty wife right here was murdered? Would you kill the person who did it?"

"Sure, Trevor."

"Exactly. I can barely look at you right now, Henry." He shakes his head. "How could you do this to me, huh? I thought I was fucked up before when my mother was killed but now I've really lost my mind.

"I keep thinking that if I kill you then my life will be better, that I'd be able to eat and sleep again" he says and then sighs. "No. That won't happen. Nothing I do will ever be able to bring my dad back. You see this boy right here?" He points to Gabriel

"Yeah" Henry chokes out

"That's my brother. You took his father away from him too." Trevor tells him. "Now he and out father didn't have the best relationship but mom the less, that's his blood. You destroyed us."

"I'm s-"

"You aren't sorry" Trevor stands up slowly. "You aren't. That's okay, though. It's quite alright. People like you say their sorry to save their ass. You won't be doing that today, Henry. Not any time after that either."

Henry's head hangs

"You know what the best of this is?" Trevor asks, pulling the gun from his jeans. "That I get to make you feel what it feels like to watch someone you love be killed."

With that, he cocks the gun in his hand and says, "you have anything you want to say to your wife before I blow her head off?"

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