Chapter seven

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"Snapchat me that pussy! FaceTime me that pussy if it'" wen sings as he approaches Kelsey and I.

"Could you be a little less gross" I plead. "People are staring. Plus, your song quotes are becoming annoying."

"That's the point" he winks. "How are my two favorite ladies?"

Kelsey and I share a look and then move past him, walking down the hall away from him.

"Come on! Don't be like that!" We hear him yell from behind us.

We giggle and walk into geometry


I put a hand against my chest as I sit in my seat. "Oh are you talking to me again?" I say sarcastically. "In public? In front of people?"

"Don't, Macy" Wes warns. I can hear a defeat in his voice...with slight agitation.

"I haven't got a text from you all weekend and you are going to say hey as if nothing happened?" I ask, trying my best to not let the classroom notice me.

"I didn't think you wanted a text from me considering what happened at the party." He replies angrily

"Which thing that happened at the party? The one where you pulled me into a room or when you basically fucked some bitch in front of everyone?" I ask smartly, laughing a little to cover my jealousy. "Enjoy your new found fame, Wes, I'm sure the girls are loving you."

"Are you jealous? Jealous that the bitch wasn't you?" He remarks. "You were all over what's his name! So what? I danced with someone at a party. Who fucking cares? It's not foreign to do that."

"It is for you. You don't talk to people, touch people, or even show your face to people. Now you are going to put a show on for the whole world?"

He grunts. "You were the one saying I don't even know so don't protect you. Now you don't know me but you're over here jealous and mad at me."

"Whatever" I roll my eyes. "I don't care what you do or who you do."

"Clearly you do" he retorts

"I don't" I say a little too defensively and a bit too loudly.

"You are drawing attention to yourself" he mumbles. "People are starting to wonder why you are talking to yourself."

I look up and see everyone staring in my direction as they whisper to their friends about how I must have a mental problem since I'm talking to myself.

I send everyone a glare and they all turn slowly back around in their desks.

"You are just going to let everyone think I'm some psychopath who talks to herself?" I ask him

"I have a reputation to maintain" he grunts, unbothered by my feelings

"How sweet you are" I scoff and slump down in my seat without another word.

After class I rush my way out of the classroom to put as much distance I can between Wes and I.

But I fail miserably

"I have a question for you" I hear Wes say from behind me as I speed walk

He stays hot on my heels but not close enough for anyone to get suspicious about rather or not he is talking to me.

"I'm not caring" I reply without looking at him

"How many guys have you had sex with to make the pain go away?" He asks, ignoring my reply

Mg eyes widen and my stomach sinks as I fight the urge to whip around and hit him. That lump you get in your throat before you cry, I am now trying to swallow.

But instead of lashing out or sobbing, I say, "I don't know what  you're talking about."

"Sure you don't" he says. "Should I lay it out for you?"

I don't reply

"The pain of maybe your father dying? What about the fact that your mom drinks the pain away all day and all night? Or the pain you feel when your mom hits you when she's had a little too much to drink?"

Tears settle in my eyes but I try not to let the fall as I open my locker. How does he know these things? Things I've fought to keep hidden for so long.

Wes stands two lockers down from me.

"So you have sex with whoever you can get your hands on so that they can fill in that hole that you have had since your father left." He says

"You don't know anything about me." I reply

"Clearly I do" he responds easily with the slightest shrug.

"How do you know these things?"

I see his head turn from the corner of my eye. "I'm quiet so I hear everything."

"Well everything you just said is none of your business" I say matter-a-factly. "So leave me alone and go bother someone else."

"All of it became my business when you were in my presence with a bruise on your face." He replies.

"Why are you saying all of this?" I ask with a heavy sigh of defeat.

"I just thought that you should know that someone is aware of the things that are going on and your pain. You can talk to me."

I'm about to reply but when I do, I see that he is already gone, walking away, leaving me to stand there and think.

It scares me that he is aware of all this. It makes me vulnerable and weak, two things I don't like.

No one knows anything that goes on when I go home. No one comes over to my house, Kelsey  hasn't even came over to my house. I always make it a point to tell her that we have to hang out at her house.

But now that Wes knows, I don't know what to do. That's one person I don't want knowing an now that one person knows, more people could know in seconds. This is high school, word travels fast even when you haven't spoken a word about it.

Sex, drugs, and Wes GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now