Chapter eight

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My mom hosts a nice business party, everyone stands around mingling. Soft elegant music plays that matches well with everyone's soft elegant dresses and suits

Despite my moms nice tone and party, I'm positive that as soon as everyone leaves, she will pop open a bottle of jack. That is if there isn't already a hidden one she's sneaking sips from.

"Tell me your mom isn't talking to who I think she's talking to." Kelsey says, staring

I turn my head in her direction and see no other than the infamous Trevor Lang standing there talking to my mother.

Trevor Lang is known not only for killing fifty police officers here but for killing them without even being in the police station where it happened. This happened just less than a year ago.

They say that all fifty shots came from a mile away which is only possible for a sniper or someone with that training.

Through the trial, Trevor represented himself. As someone so young, you'd think it was the dumbest idea for him to speak for himself. After all of the facts and evidence that was given saying that he did it, Trevor gave the jury only a few facts as to how it couldn't have been him. Those few facts were enough for the jury to have reasonable doubt that Trevor may not have done it.

But everyone knows that he really did do it. He just got lucky

He got out of jail not too long ago and now here he is

Let's not forget that he is built like a god. He has shaggy dark brown hair and transparent grey eyes. His jaw is sharp with a beard growing nicely and he has one simple jagged scar running from his jaw to his collar bone.

His body is lean and tall. His shoulders are broad and his chest is large.

Any woman is drawn to him even if he was convicted of a mass murder. If anything, that only made him hotter, as wicked as that sounds.

"Honey!" My mom calls out to me, waving an enthusiastic hand. "Come here, will you"

Kelsey gives me a wink before I leave

"Trevor, this is my daughter-." My mom starts

"Macy" Trevor finishes for her

My eyes widen in shock. How did he know my name?

"Macy, this is Trevor Lang." My mom continues introducing us after she recovers from her own shock.l, glancing between the two of us.

Trevor and I make eye contact and a shiver races down my spine.

"Nice to meet you" I put on a smile

"The pleasure is all mine" he says and I can't help but to think that the raspiness and harshness of it sounds all too perfect, all too melodic.

"Trevor's father just got a job at my company" my mom states. "I better go find him and talk to him about that actually. Macy, keep our guest company" she orders before swaying off , as if this is who she really is.

I look around awkwardly for a moment before looking at him again. "Mass murder, huh?" I find myself saying as I rock back and forth on the heels of my feet, nodding my head slowly. "Intense. Where'd you learn how to shoot a sniper rifle from a mile away?"

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