Chapter thirty eight

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"No!" I find myself yelling

All four heads turn to look at me.

"What happens after this, Trevor?" I ask him, desperately trying to save these peoples lives. "Huh? You go to prison, you get sentenced to death?"

He gazes at me, holding onto every word.

"You'll never be able to be the man your mother and father wanted." I continue. "You can change, Trevor. You can do great things. I know you can. If you stand here and kill these people you won't be able to do that.

"What would you mother think if she saw you right now?" I ask him. "Would she be okay with this? I don't think she would be.

"You've had a rough life, Trevor. Both of you have. It has turned you into an awful person. This isn't you. You weren't meant to do this.

"You went through your mothers death and you killed fifty people. Fifty. Did that make you feel better afterwards? No. You said it yourself that this wouldn't change anything, that it wouldn't help.

"Now here you are in the same situation. You're about to kill an innocent woman and a man. For what? You can't keep doing this, Trevor."

I sigh and take steps towards him. "When does it all end?"

"Tomorrow" his hard voice says

A blast fills the air and blood hits my face and shirt.

Then woman's upper body falls to the floor and a scream leaves my lips.

Sex, drugs, and Wes GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now