Chapter nine

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"Guess who Macy got to talk to for a rather long time at her moms business party" Kelsey says to Kenny and we

I let out a groan

"We aren't still talking about that Wes guy right?" Kenny huffs

"No" Kelsey says. "She talked to Trevor lang."

Kenny and wens eyes go wide and even Random people around us gasp at the sound of his name

"Were you scared?"

"Is he crazy like everyone says?"

"Did he actually kill those fifty police officers?"

"What did he say to you?"

"Shut up!" I bellow and they all close their mouths. "No, yes, I don't know, and not much. He did say that he did his research on me though."

"Weird" they all say in unison

"But he's like the sexiest man alive!" I gush. "He's like the definition of a sex god!"

"I'm hurt" wen claims

"What was he doing at your moms business party?" Kenny asks

I shrug and say, "his dad is working for my mom now."

"And she trusts him?" Wen asks

"Any attention put on my moms business is good attention in her book and Trevor Langs dad working there is bringing lots of it." I reply

"No doubt" wen chuckles. "I think he did kill those people. There's no way that all that evidence proving that he did it was looked over by those little pieces of evidence saying he didn't do it."

Kenny shakes his head as he remembers back to the trial and the evidence Trevor gave to prove his innocence. "He's a lucky son of a bitch." He says.

"I wonder what he's doing now." Wen says.

"Probably enjoying being a free man after killing those people." Kelsey replies

"But a genius he is" Kenny states, making us all give him a look. "What?" He asks before defending his statement. "I mean, what seventeen year old with no professional training at all could pull off killing fifty people a mile away from them?"

Wen shrugs with a nod. "He's right. Only a damn good sniper could actually do something like that."

Trying to make some sense of it, Kelsey says, "maybe he was just lucky."

I then give her a look. "There were fifty people and only fifty shots, Kelsey. One bullet for each person. He never missed one. That's not lucky, that's skilled."

"And you talked to the guy" Kenny laughs. "Fucking crazy."

"I know" I agree.

The bell rings and all of us part ways to go to class.

"How was your mothers business party?" Wes asks me as soon as I sit down in my desk beside his

"How did you know about my mothers business party?" I ask confused

"The same way I knew your mother hit you"

"Which was?"

"A lucky guess."

My eyebrows come together and my mind flashes to the moment at moms party when Trevor said the exact same thing to me when I asked him how he knew Kelsey's name.

My mouth gapes open as if I'm about to say something about it but I decide against it.

I instead say, "it was fine" with confusion and a little suspicion laced in my voice

"Good" he replies.

"Do you trust me enough to tell me your secret?" I ask. "Your secret answering everyone's question as to why you hide your face?"

He chuckles. "You already know" he states

"I do?"

"Yeah" he nods. "You just haven't realized it yet or you are ignoring the abvious."

"You wanna give me a hint?"

"No" he answers simply

I huff. "Fine. What happens when I do realize it?"

"I'm going to have to trust you enough to not tell anyone. Not even your friends."

"It's that big of a secret?"

"Bigger" he replies. "It could ruin everything. It could ruin me even more than I already am."

"Woah" I nod. "This is intense. Are you some kind of celebrity in disguise?"

He then lets out an actual laugh, making me smile. "Something to that effect" he laughs out

I wish I could see his face when he laughs

"I have a surprise for you" he tells me

My eyes go big in shock. "A surprise? Like a present? For me?"

He nods from under his hood. "Yeah. You meet me outside your house at eight thirty"

"Why so late?"

"Because when I'm driving I don't want you to be able to see me" he answers truthfully.

"You're taking me somewhere?"

"Yeah. Dress nice. Not too nice but presentable." He instructs.

"Does this have to do with your big secret?"

He shakes his head. "No. It has to do with yours."

"Okay class!" My teacher yells, preventing me from continuing the conversation. "Get out your homework from last night!"


"Wes has a surprise for me" I say to Kelsey before I shimmy my shoulders and then wink at her.

She giggles. "What kind of surprise?"

"How am I supposed to know? That's why it's called a surprise" I tell her.

"Maybe he's going to reveal himself to you" she suggests

"No, I already asked him that and he said that wasn't it" I tell her.

"Bummer" she sags and stares off in thought of what the surprise could be. "Maybe he's going to confess his love to you."

"Doubt it"

"Maybe he's taking you out on a surprise date" she says instead

I give her a look. "Wes doesn't like me, Kelsey therefore there is no surprise date."

Although that would be nice I think to myself

Sex, drugs, and Wes GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now