Chapter fifteen

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Wes takes me to school because he doesn't want his father seeing me pull out of the driveway to their house. He says it runs a risk.

"How long am I able to stay at in your guest house?" I ask. "I don't want to be a bother. I could just find somewhere else to go, you know. It has already been a week and a half and-"

Wes's hand reaches out and rests on my thigh, giving it a squeeze. It doesn't go too high but it doesn't go too low.

"You can stay as long as you want, as long as you need" he assures me

Then my eyes catch sight of something wrong...something right...something that I can't even begin to explain.

On the hand that rests on my thigh...

A single jagged scar rests

I grab his hand with wide eyes and pick it up, examining the scar closer.

"What is this?!" Is the only thing a can think to say

He gives me a look. "A scar. Why?"

"Trevor Lang. You know him." I say, staring at him. "He has the exact same scar on his hand in the exact same place...he talks exactly like you too. He-he reminds me of you. You say the same things. And one time you repeated the same thing he had said to me the day before."

He removes his hand from my grasp and places it on the steering wheel.

"What a crazy coincidence. Trevor Lang is the one who shot all those police officers, yeah?" He asks

I blink a few times. "Yeah, that's him."

He shrugs. "I'd like to meet him one day. If he reminds you so much of me then he has to be amazing" he chuckles at the last part

I give a look but don't reply


"You know...something really weird happened today." I tell Kelsey in the hall

"What's that?" She asks, checking herself out in her locker mirror

"I found that Wes has the exact same looking scar in the exact same place as Trevor Lang's scar." I say, leaning against the lockers and staring off.

"Whoopdy do." She says. "Lots of people have scars in the same place as others."

I roll my eyes. "This is different. He talks the same, acts the same, walks the same."

"It's just a crazy coincidence" she assures me. "What do you think it could mean?" She scoffs. "That Wes is Trevor Lang?" She jokes. "Puh-lease. That is like...impossible."

"Yeah..." I whisper. "Impossible."

Kelsey looks over at me. "We aren't in a movie, Macy. Things like Wes Gregory being Trevor Lang doesn't happen in real life. Besides, it's not even a logical thing to think about." She gives a shrug and turns back to the mirror. "Don't put too much thought into it."

"Don't put too much thought into it? How am I not able to do that?" I ask. "It's not just a coincidence, Kelsey. It's more than that."

She raises her eyebrow. "If you think that something as crazy as that is possible then why don't you just find out for yourself? And then when you have the answer, which will be that Wes is not Trevor, I can tell you I told you so." She replies smugly

"And if Wes is Trevor?"

"Then I'll buy you a case of beer and we can celebrate" she laughs

Sex, drugs, and Wes GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now