Chapter fourteen

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I turn in the isle at Walmart at the sound of my voice...

To come face to face with Trevor Lang.

I nearly drop the bottle of coke at the sight of him. I blink a few times and push my hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear and shifting from side to side on my feet.

"Hey" I say and then dumbly say, "hi."

I see the corner of his mouth turn up in amusement right before he says, "how are you?"

"I-I'm good." I answer, nodding my head.

"Why are you so nervous?" He asks, smirking the slightest bit.

"Nervous? Me?" I scoff and shake my head, playing with the bottles on the shelf, trying to mask my nervousness.

He chuckles and places his hand on top of mine that is on the bottle.

My hand freezes and my eyes stay glued on our hands.

"Your hands..." I say, staring. "They look so familiar."

"How so?" He asks

I look over at him. "I don't know...they just look similar to the hands of this guy I know."

"Hmm" he says, gazing right back into my eyes. "You want to see something cool?" He asks me with a light smile

My eyes brighten up and I nod. "Yeah"

He licks his lips and takes the bottle out of my hands, sitting it on the shelf and then taking my hand in his.

I follow him as he leads me down the isle and out of the store.

"I'll bring you back to your car later" he says, opening the passengers side door of his truck for me.

I stop with one hand on the door. "If I go with you are going to kill me like you did those other people?"

He smiles and shrugs. "Do you deserve it?"

"Your the smart one so you tell me."

"I'll tell you that rather I say yes or no, you'll come with me without me having to force you. You don't care what my answer is, Macy. Am I right?"

"Let's go" I reply simply before getting into the truck.

He smirks in triumph, knowing that I just proved him right. He shuts the door and goes around the truck to get into the drivers seat.

"Why are we in a random houses driveway?" I ask, looking around.

"This is where my mother was beaten to death by a group of police officers." He answers

I suck in a breath. "Police officers?"

He nods. "Not all of them are good, you know. People like to think all of them are out for the better...some of them aren't."

I stare at the side of his head as he speaks.

"And every once in a while that unfortunate someone gets the wrong end of the stick when it comes to them." He continues. "And then those officers who do wrong get away with it because why would a police officer do something like that?"

He shrugs and says, "my father was in some trouble at the time, the police wanted to find him but they couldn't. So they came to my house and my mother answered the door. They asked her where he was and she told them she didn't know. She did know."

His hands grip the steering wheel tightly as he speaks

"They didn't like her answers. She kept saying that she had no idea what they were talking about. It got to the point where they started beating her to get answers."

He shakes his head. "She never gave him up though. They were that till death do us part, ride or die type of couple. He told her to keep quite about where he was and she did because she loved him.

"I stood from my bedroom window and watched all of it. I watched until the police officers began asking questions and she didn't answer, until they were beating a lifeless body, until they took her body and put it into the trunk of their police car.

"Then I sat there and waited until my dad showed up again. It was days and days until he was able to stop by. I told him what had happened. And then he told me what I had to do."

I reach a hand over and place it on his arm.

"So...I planned and followed through with the execution of fifty police officers. I sat in a building a mile away from them and I used a rifle to put a bullet through every one of their heads."

"You just admitted to me that you killed them." I breathe.

He huffs. "What are you gunna do? Call the police and tell them that I did do it? Good luck. I can't get tried for the same crime twice."

"I-I wouldn't do that." I assure him, shaking my head. "I wouldn't call the police on you-"

"I know you wouldn't" he replies, looking over at me. "I know"

I give his arm a light squeeze. "Why did you tell me that?"

"I just thought that you are the only person I have...and trust to tell. No knows why I did what I did. No one would understand if I even began to tell them. But I knew you would."

I smile at that. "You can tell me anything, Trevor. I of all people would understand."

He nods and puts the truck in reverse. "Okay. I'm gunna take you back to your car now."

"This is all? This is all you wanted to show me? This and then what?"

"What do you mean 'and then what'?" He asks. "This is all I wanted to show you. Is that not enough? Did you want something more?"

I shake my head and look down at my hands in my lap. " I don't want anything more. I just thought-"

"What? You thought what?" He asks, driving down the road

"I just thought you'd want to spend more time with me maybe." I answer

He glances between me and the road for a few seconds before only staring at the road.

"I have some things to do." He replies simply. "I don't have time."

"Oh" I nod stupidly. "Okay. That's fine. I mean, I wasn't trying to make you do anything you didn't want to do. I wasn't-"

His hand reaches over and lays on my thigh, making me shut up.

I stare at the scar that I had saw at my mothers business party.

"Stop talking so much" he says, giving my thigh a light squeeze.

A blush forms over my cheeks and I nod my head rapidly

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