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A dark shadow stood, facing out into open space. He had exhausted nearly every lead to find the key that he needed. He felt his anger boil over as he realized he didn't have any clue what to do next.

"General Ren?" A voice called from behind him. He turned, his gaze going to the stormtrooper standing in the doorway of his chambers.

"Supreme leader Snoke would like to speak with you. His holograph is up and running, sir."

"And how long has he been kept waiting?" Ren growled.

"J-just a few minutes, sir!" The trooper insisted, growing slightly frightened. Ren fed off of this fear, feeling himself grow stronger. He passed the trooper without another word, heading into the holograph chamber. The large image of Snoke hovered above him, and he bowed slightly.

"What news have you on the search for our missing weapon?" He asked slowly. Ren flinched, knowing fully well that his answer was not the one Snoke would want to hear.

"I'm afraid we have followed our last lead, and it turned up no positive results. Not even a tie to a new lead. What would you have us do?" He asked, looking up. Snoke gazed back down at him.

"You are not trusting your abilities enough, Kylo Ren. The force will lead you to what you are looking for. Be mindful and trust in yourself."

Snoke's image flickers off, leaving Ren to mull over what he had heard.

"Trust myself? The force will lead me? But what am I supposed to do?" He thought to himself as he walked back outside. He made his way to the front viewpoint of his ship, hoping that looking out into the vast emptiness of space would help clear his mind. It seemed to be working, when the captain turned to him.

"Sir, we've picked up a ship on our radar. It doesn't seem to be sided with either the First order or the Resistance. Shall we open fire?"

Ren had begun to give the order, when he stopped, thinking back to what Snoke had just said. He reached forward with the force, searching the ship and those that were on it, when suddenly-

"No." He said quietly, looking up in amazement. "Approach and have a team prepared to board. That ship has something I need."

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