Chapter Twenty-One

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Malice had been perfectly content laying in the comfy arm beds. She saw a ship touch down. How wonderful. Another sharp prick, and she decided to take a little nap.

She dreamed of floating. Drifting through space. The Stars were so pretty, and she didn't even need oxygen. Look, that constellation looked like Ben. She giggled at the thought, before feeling a pinch on her arm. She rubbed it, but saw nothing nearby that would have touched her.

"Kaila? Wake up, Kaila."

Who's voice was that? It was a woman's voice. She sounded older, like a mom. She'd never had a mom, but this must be what a mom sounded like. A mysterious space mom.

Malice jerked awake, looking around her. Her eyesight was slightly blurry, but she could make out the shape of three or four people. Wait, where was she? This was not the star destroyer. The battle had happened, and the last thing she remembered was the Resistance showing up. She reached out with the force to try to sense who was with her.


She tried again.


She began panicking, something that surely should have caused some explosions or throwing people. But nothing happened. She blinked back tears in her eyes. What had they done? Why couldn't she use the force? The tears cleared her vision somewhat, and before her stood the older man who had recognized her,an older woman, and a few guards.

"The serum they gave you blocks your force abilities. You won't be able to use it here." The woman said. She had the same voice as space mom. Malice struggled against the restraints in a desperate attempt to free herself, but she slumped back in defeat.

"Kaila, don't you recognize us?" Space mom asked, looking at her with pleading eyes.

"Why in the world would I recognize you two? I've never met you before." She spat at them. The man frowned slightly.

"Forget Han Solo? Not likely."

Malice blinked.

"You're Han Solo?" She asked. He nodded.

"And this is Leia, kid. Come on, you know us."

Han and Leia. The princess and the smuggler. What had leia always called him? Scruffy looking? She narrowed her eyes at them. She had very limited memories of knowing them, and not anywhere near enough to trust them.

"So what if I do remember you? What do you want from me? Just let me go!" She ordered, struggling against her bonds again. She was strapped into some sort of chair. It ironically enough looked similar to the ones they had aboard the star destroyer.

"The First Order found her first, Leia. There's nothing we can do." Han said, turning to walk out. Leia looked at her sadly.

"Please, Kaila. We need your help. We need to win this war against the First Order."

"STOP CALLING ME THAT." She screamed, tears falling from her eyes. "I AM MALICE. FEARED AND RESPECTED LADY OF THE SITH."

Leia didn't even flinch. She looked at her so kindly.

"You've been around Ben, haven't you."

Malice gritted her teeth. She'd forgotten these people were his family. His parents. She turned her head, refusing to look at them.

"Until you're willing to cooperate, you'll stay here. Please reconsider." And with that, Malice was left in darkness.

Aboard the star destroyer, Kylo had secured the girl into her restraints, and waited. It would be awhile till she woke, but he needed time to think. What had happened to Malice? Had she been killed? Had she been taken? He hadn't seen what had happened to her. He just trusted she would have been on the ship waiting for him. But she wasn't. He tried reaching out to her, but it was no use. He swore he would destroy the resistance once and for all, to get her back and to bring the galaxy back to its rightful state.

If she had been captured, she was with his parents. The thought aggravated him. How dare they take her from him? Most likely to try to turn her, and use her against them. Malice was strong, she wouldn't let that happen, he knew it. She would be strong. No matter what they did to her, she wouldn't betray them.

The girl in the chair suddenly stirred awake, and he turned his attention to the matter at hand.

Eee short chapter so I can write the next one! Hope you're liking this!

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