Chapter Seventeen

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Malice yawned, lazily opening an eye. She'd fallen asleep in Kylo's arms again that night. Hux had prepared his troops to visit Jakku again the next day, and they were trying to just let him handle it. Kylo was sleeping soundly next to her, holding her close. She smiled in the darkness and fell back asleep.

Something was crawling on her. Something small was on the bed on top of her crawling around. She opened her eyes and looked down. It was much later in the morning, and Kylo was sitting up, holding something in his lap.

"I know how much you miss your Nexu. I can't bring her back but I brought you this. It was supposed to be given to you yesterday but I was...otherwise occupied." He said, turning. A small bundle of fur leapt off of his lap, and Malice recognized it instantly as a Nexu cub. It noticed her and approached, sniffing around her. She remembered much from training Aya and it was all starting to come back to her. She had learned to make a small chattering sound that would identify her as its parental figure. Kylo watched in amusement as the kit heard her and bounded happily up to her face, giving her nose a lick. She held it up, and set it down, smiling.

"Well, this little one seems to be male. Any name ideas?" She asked, holding it close.

"Senzu." Kylo responded, almost like he had been thinking it over already.

"Senzu, I like it. Thank you, Kylo. I mean it. I appreciate it."

Kylo gazed at her as she played with the little cub, it's four eyes blinking up at her with admiration.

"This is a lot younger than Aya was when I got her. I think training him will be easier." Malice said, holding the cub close. It's split tail waved in excitement.

"I'm glad you like it. I know you often feel out of place here, so I wanted to make you as comfortable as I could." Kylo replied. Malice moved over to him, kissing his cheek gently. Kylo's eyes widened a bit in surprise at this sudden show of affection. Though he wasn't complaining in the slightest.

Senzu approached Kylo, who stiffened immediately. The nexu's tail flicked in interest. Malice put a hand on Kylo's back.

"He senses your change in mood. If you're uneasy, they're more likely to see you as prey. You have to be confident and dominant around them." She told him, allowing Senzu to sniff at Kylo. He seemed to relax, and Senzu did the same, bouncing around on the bed before coming back to curl into Malice's lap. She pet him gently, enjoying the softness of his fur. Kylo reached a hand out and scratched the cat on the head. Senzu opened one eye before closing it again, enjoying all the attention.

"He'll be great. I can't wait to show you what Nexu's can do! They're so agile and graceful, yet fierce and determined. Very misunderstood creatures." She said.

"He has a bed in both of our rooms, just depending know..."

"Where we end up sleeping?" Malice finished, raising an eyebrow. Was Kylo blushing? It would be the first time. She gentle lowered Senzu into the bed Kylo had spoken of, and laid back down in the bed. Kylo joined her, and they turned, facing each other.

"What should we do today?" He asked her, gazing at her and stroking her face gently. she shrugged.

"Well I don't think today should start until we get an hour more sleep at least. We should be fully energized for when General Hux brings the news of the second Jakku mission."

Seeing the wisdom in her words, Kylo nodded, on the verge of yawning himself. Malice turned, her back facing him, and got comfortable. Kylo tried his best not to be awkward as he moved closer to spoon with her. But they fit perfectly together, like they'd been hand crafted for this very moment. Kylo sighed contently, running his fingers through her hair, and slowly lulling her to sleep.

In between chapter to introduce and important character! He's just a cub now but I promise you'll see more of Senzu!

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