Chapter Forty-Five

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Malice was up early the next morning. She'd awoken to Kylo curled close to her, and she wondered how long it had taken him to fall asleep. She stretched, taking the Holocron in her arms. It pulsed at her touch once again, the light glowing slightly brighter. She stood carefully, and had only taken a few steps out of the tent before she heard rustling behind her. Kylo had woken up, and rubbed an eye sleepily. His hair had some serious bed head going on, and she stifled a laugh.

"What? What's so funny?" He asked, finishing a yawn. Malice moved her eyes up to his hair, and Kylo brushed it down quickly. He stood, hitting his head on the tent top, and followed her out. He glanced up at her, but Malice wasn't looking at him. She was looking down at the Holocron with very possessive eyes, running her fingers lightly over the inscriptions. She rested her palm on it, and the Holocron lit up again.

The large figure of the ancient Sith Lord stood next to them, regarding them coldly. Malice's eyes lit up, excited for whatever the day would hold.

"I suppose I should start the lesson for today." Bane said finally. He gestured to the building they stood in. "This is the center of the valley of Sith Lords. It is where many of the ancient Sith have been buried, and the home of your ancestors."

"That's something I don't understand still, Lord Bane. How can this be my ancestors home?" Malice asked, looking around the room.

"Long ago, this world was the home of the ancient race of Sith. They were unadvanced but very strong in the ways of the force, and more specifically, the dark side of the force. When the first exiled Jedi came to this planet, they easily impressed the Sith Race, and set themselves as the Sith'aari, or the first Sith Lords. Eventually, with the mingling of the two, the true Sith were born."

"Do they still live here?" Malice asked. The world seemed deserted when they'd landed but perhaps the civilization was hiding on the other side of the planet.

"This planet was abandoned long ago. Many wars left it scarred and ravaged, unfit for any life. Now all that is left are the ruins." The hologram answered. "Though it still holds much knowledge and history, for those willing to seek it."

"What are you lessons do you have to teach?" Kylo spoke up, folding his arms. Bane's eyes remained cool as he glanced over at the Knight.

"I suppose you may join the lessons. There is darkness in you, perhaps my teachings would aid you as well."

Kylo had very mixed feelings about the response. He was pleased to be included, but the way Bane spoke and looked at him made it clear that he wasn't the Hologram's first choice of a student. His eyes were only for Malice, as she was the Sith's last chance to live on.

"I have two lessons for you both." Bane continued, "both ancient Sith techniques. One will strengthen your force intake, and one to strengthen your release of that power. The force is a powerful tool in battle, and if you have the greater knowledge of how to control it, you will have the upper hand."

He had started the lesson immediately, showing them how to tap into whatever they were feeling, whether it was anger, fear, joy, or anguish. Any emotion could be used to their advantage, you only had to tap into it correctly. There would be one or two emotions they each would excel at using, and those would be discovered with time and practice. For now, Bane taught to use any emotion, and both students picked it up immediately. He showered Malice with praise, and occasionally granted Kylo the same. It seemed frustration and anger would be Kylo's main emotions today.

Malice was thriving with the praise, and Kylo could feel her power was slowly building with the help of Bane's teachings. He always seemed to forget just how powerful she was. Years and years of training had shaped her into a deadly weapon, with a feral fighting style based of the movements of the Nexu.

Malice wasn't focusing on anything but Bane's teachings. She'd finished her Sith training long ago, but it had been something she had missed. She loved learning things that made her stronger. Bane was an excellent teacher, and she knew his apprentice, Zannah, must have completed their deadly pair.

The sun was high in the sky when the lesson concluded, and Bane looked pleased with their results.

"You've both done well today." He told them. Malice beamed, while Kylo smirked slightly.

"Tomorrow I will teach my final lesson, and send you on your way to find your apprentice."

The hologram disappeared, and Malice watched the light fade back into the Holocron. Mentally they were both exhausted. The lesson had sounded simple enough, but tapping into emotions besides anger had proved slightly more difficult for both of them.

With a happy sigh, Malice, still holding tightly to the holocron, crawled back into the tent. Kylo followed, and they both quickly drifted off to have a comfortable nap.

Apologies that his took awhile to update! Hit a writers block but hopefully this helps get it back on track!

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