Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Malice woke the next morning feeling much better. Being force sensitive, you usually healed from things faster than other people did. She sat up, looking around. Kylo was not there, but Senzu was still sleeping soundly. He was just about too big for the bed they'd given him, and she knew they'd need to get a new one soon. A small piece of paper sat where the food tray had been the night before.

I'll be waiting for you to join me for  practice tonight. Being ill is not an excuse to get out of practice.

Malice smirked. He was right, she needed to get some practice in before heading out again. She stood quietly, careful not to wake Senzu, and clipped her lightsaber to her belt. She threw some shoes on with her clothes and walked out.

A few officers walked past, nodding to her before continuing their conversation. The topic of the destroyed star killer base was still very common, but seemed to be dying down from the last time they were there. But all she had on her mind was the dream she'd had before. What was so important about Moraband? How were her ancestors all there at once? The ancient Sith hadn't said much. They hadn't even told her their names. Perhaps Moraband would hold the answers to that, too.

She pressed the button that opened the door to the training room Kylo was in, and found him swinging a lightsaber around. Had he made a new one already?

"Yes and no. This one is temporary until I have inspiration for a more permanent weapon." He told her. He waved it gracefully before turning it off and strapping it to his belt. He opened the cabinet and frowned. Someone had moved the meditation cushions, and not put them back.

"I'll be back." Kylo growled, heading out the door. Malice watched him go, looking around the familiar training room. She'd been in this room for a good amount of the time that she'd been here.

Without warning, she heard what are believed to be someone's thoughts as they walked by. Odd, since she wasn't attempting to hear anyone's thoughts.

I mean I know she's powerful. But come on! A girl? We're a higher class than her technically, but she's always treated like she's SO important. At least captain Phasma has proved she's earned her title. This malice girl just showed up and started being important?

Malice felt her rage rising, something that she usually controlled. The thoughts cut off as the man's airway was choked off, and he gasped for air. She felt angry tears well up in her eyes as the choking continued. The door opened and Kylo was there, holding the missing cushions and looming extremely concerned. He glanced back behind him at the choking man, before dropping the pillows and running to her.

He took her face in his hands, trying to look at her but she wouldn't meet his eyes.

Release him

She scowled deeper before turning her head, and the man in the hallway sputtered as air entered his lungs again. His thoughts were silent as he fled the hall as fast as he could, and Kylo turned back to Malice, extremely concerned. He'd never seen her like this before. She always had her feelings under control. But something had happened while he was gone that had upset her to this point. A few of the cabinets started to shake violently. Kylo approached her carefully, before wrapping his arms around her. The cabinets all shot open, banging loudly, but they slowly stopped and Malice's shoulders slumped.

"What happened? What did that trooper do?" He asked her gently. He felt how angry she still was and wasn't sure he should expect an answer right away.

"I heard him thinking about me." She said bitterly. Usually other people's opinions didn't bother her. Perhaps it was just from having such a rough few days.

"If I hadn't come back, you would have killed him."

"I know."

She didn't sound remorseful. Why should she be? She'd killed plenty of other people. Not those with the empire or anything like that but she still had. She was no stranger to murder. But perhaps she was coming across as too soft to those that worked here. They respected Kylo, and he very often destroyed things and threatened people. Perhaps it was time she did the same. He saw her eyes harden, and though she regained control of her anger, she seemed to keep it flaming deep inside of her.

"Let's start training. And I don't want to be disturbed." She told him, and though he wanted to see if he could help anymore, he nodded, igniting his lightsaber again.

Malice is usually great at controlling and using her emotions, but I guess something set her off. We'll see how that goes.

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