Chapter Thirty

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To reattach the ribs, the nurses had to knock Malice out. The cold metal of the operating table reminded her too much of the last time she'd been in such s position, and though she allowed them to continue, it made her uncomfortable.

As she slept, she had more dreams. But they were not about the Sith. It was not even about the Jedi fully. It was about the aftermath of the final battle. She'd gone with Luke. She'd met Leia and Han. She'd never fully turned to their side, she just didn't have anywhere else to go. Her self preservation instinct had led her to stay with them for a long time. But something had happened that had wiped her memories. Now she knew that Kylo was Han and Leia's son. Maybe he knew something. Maybe he had known this whole time what had happened. Why hasn't he told her? Then again, she'd never asked.

If she could remember what had happened, perhaps she'd finally fit the missing pieces together.

She blinked awake, rubbing her eyes. She tried to sit up and found her ribcage, though now set correctly, was still very sore. Her leg was bandaged where the burn had been, and one of the nurses helped her up.

"Take it easy for about a day." The nurse said, smiling. Malice nodded, hobbling out of the room. Kylo was holding Senzu, and the both of them were asleep. She walked over, placing a hand lightly on his shoulder. He jerked awake, waking Senzu up in the process.

"Are you alright? How are you feeling?" He asked frantically.

"I'm fine, Kylo. Can we just go get some rest?" She asked. He nodded, walking with her in case she needed to lean on him. They opted for her room, walking in together. Senzu bounded to his bed, curling up. Malice sat on the bed, and Kylo sat next to her.

"I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you." He said, his eyes remorseful. She smiled at him.

"Don't worry. I'm pretty tough. I've been through a lot. But I actually had something to ask you." She told him. He raised an eyebrow in surprise.


"You said when we met that we'd known each other a long time ago. But that's still a part of my memory I don't have back. Can you tell me what happened?"

He nodded.

"You'd been with all of us for as long as I could remember. But you'd never been...present. You always seemed to be thinking of something else. When Snoke came to show me my true path, he told me that you were a powerful dark side user. We were going to enlist your help, but Luke seemed to know what we were planning. When I went to see you, you were gone. And Luke was gone as well."

Malice thought over what he'd told her. Though it wasn't the full story, and she didn't remember the memories herself, it seemed that Luke had done something to alter her memories and sent her off to live a fake life. He'd wanted to stop her from being who she was born to be.

She sighed, laying down and putting her head on Kylo's lap. He stroked her hair gently as she took a moment to mull everything over.

"I'm glad you found me first." She said softly. Even if she hadn't had her memories returned, she knew she wouldn't have been happy. She took pleasure in the darkness. Everyone had a darkness in them, and most lied to themselves about having one. But the sooner you embraced it, the better.

"I am too." He murmured, kissing her softly. She had so many feelings for him, but past experiences had taught her to be careful who she got close to. They'd all end up dying.

The Sith were always seeking eternal life. A way to avoid death. But she'd been given the way, and didn't think she wanted it anymore. She didn't want to go through life with Kylo only to have it end and give her no chance of aging with him. They were going to be feared until the day they died.

She'd made up her mind before she drifted off to sleep. She was going to find a way to stop the life pause that she'd been given. No matter what it took.

Seems like Malice is regretting the gift/curse she was given. But will she find a way to reverse it?

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