Chapter Forty-Four

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An apprentice? Kylo could barely contain his rage. Why had the holograms words struck such a nerve with him? Malice seemed surprised as well, but less outraged. Instead from her, he felt...pride? Was she really thinking of going through with this?

"I don't know the first thing about training an apprentice." Malice admitted, looking at the ground. Was that a skill a master was meant to teach you? Or something you were just supposed to pick up naturally?

"It should come to you easily enough." Bane's hologram boomed. "It's finding one worthy of your apprenticeship that usually becomes the real challenge."

"How will I know when I've found them?" She asked. She wasn't sure simply stealing them away as infants as Sideous had done with her, would be the right course of action. With the shambles the first order was in currently, it was no place to raise or train an infant.

"Search for someone with a similar energy to your own. When you've got the same energy, you already know how best to train them, or things you'd change from how you were trained."

Malice thought for a moment on the hologram's answer, before nodding. Kylo still fumed behind her, saying nothing.

"I know this is a lot to take in all at once. I will let you rest for now, but on the morrow, I intend to fully introduce you to this place and it's secrets." The holocron' slight flickered before going out, leaving them in darkness. They were both silent, the shadows settling comfortingly around them. Kylo finally turned, storming into the tent he'd set up for them. It was only then that Malice felt how angry he was. This surprised her. She didn't think Bane had said anything that even related to Kylo in any sense. Kylo wasn't even Sith. The Knights of Ren were a different group of dark side users, so really, nothing of what Bane had said should have mattered to him.

She followed him into the tent, where he was sitting on his sleeping role, his back to her. She ducked in, crawling towards him. She said nothing, but set a hand gently on his back. He flinched slightly at her touch, but didn't shrug her hand off. She waited for him to explain why he felt as he did.

"If you get an apprentice, you won't have time for me anymore." He said quietly, pulling his knees to his chest. That's why he was so upset? He was jealous of the apprentice she didn't even have yet?

"Of course I'll have them for you." She assured him. "I'll still be there whenever you need me, and whenever I'm not training them, I'll be with you."

Kylo didn't answer. He was still upset and probably would be for the rest of the night. But his shoulders did relax somewhat at her promise.

She didn't want to make him feel like this. Wasted anger was no use to anyone, and often became reckless. However, Bane had been right. She was the last of the Sith, and it was her responsibility to keep the great and noble race alive. She had finished most of the lessons she'd set out to tech Kylo, and now she would be fully training someone else. Where to even start searching for someone?

She laid on her own sleeping roll, tucking her hands behind her head and starring up at the roof of the tent. Kylo stayed sitting with his back to her, still deep in thought himself. He didn't particularly feel like sharing her with anyone else, even if it wasn't in a romantic way. He'd make sure to keep a close eye on whoever she ended up choosing and bringing back with her.

He glanced over at her,and found her sound asleep. Her breathing was gentle and relaxed, and he made a promise to himself right then and there. He would protect her from anything that dared try to take her from him, in any sense of the word.

He laid down next to her, and she stirred in her sleep, not fully waking up, but enough to roll a bit closer to him. She'd brought the holocron in with them, and it glowed faintly next to her side. Would he be allowed to join them tomorrow for her lessons, or would he be looked over and ignored?

He wouldn't allow the ancient Sith Lord to look him over. He wasn't Sith himself, but he had journeyed this far with Malice, he had a right to know where they were.

He closed his eyes, allowing himself to finally slip off to sleep. Tomorrow would be an interesting day.

Hope everyone is enjoying! I'm enjoying writing these chapters on Moraband!

Hope everyone is enjoying! I'm enjoying writing these chapters on Moraband!

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