Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Malice woke the next morning, still feeling exhausted. She ran a hand through her hair, which had been pulled from its bun and was now moderately tangled. She slid off of the bed that Kylo was still sleeping in, and pulled on a robe. She went quickly into her own room to check on Senzu and to then shower. Senzu was still asleep as well, curled in his bed. She smiled at the small car, and stepped into the bathroom attached to her room.

She ran the hot water, watching it steam up the bathroom almost immediately. Removing the robe, she stepped into the shower, wincing at the heat of the water. It felt great, but it stung the multitude of scratches she had on her back. None had broken the skin but they were still fairly raw, etched into her skin.

She moved on to pull the knots in her hair out. She usually wore it up to prevent just that but it seemed Kylo enjoyed it down. She washed it quickly, and stepped out of the shower, turning the water off. She pulled a towel on stepped into her bedroom. She didn't particularly feel like dressing but she couldn't just walk around unclothed.

She dressed in a simple black outfit. It wasn't as form fitting and was more flowy than she was used to, but it was comfortable and felt soft against her skin. Leaving Senzu to sleep, she returned to Kylo's room. It seemed he had woken up and was in the shower as well. She sat on the bed, waiting for him. They DID still have training to get to that day. The door to his bathroom opened and he stepped out, shirtless with a towel covering his lower half. He glanced at her before running a second towel over his head, drying his hair off. He had similar scratched down his front and back. She looked at her nails. They weren't very sharp but perhaps they needed a trim.

He sat down next to her, sighing and leaning forward. She ran and finger down his spine and he shivered.

"You're mine now. You know that, don't you?" He asked her. She quite enjoyed this new possessive nature. "I've never felt like this before. I seem to be craving you." His eyes met hers and searched her face almost hungrily.

"Well hopefully you can transfer some of this energy to training today. We need to get going." She told him, smiling.

He looked at her slyly.

"Fine, I'll get dressed and we'll go."

He stood, walking over to the closet, and dropped his towel. Malice coughed, blushing slightly. It wasn't like she hadn't seen last night but still surprised her. He dressed in his regular black outfit, and turned, raising an eyebrow.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing. Let's get going." She said sternly, leading the way out the door. They walked in unison, arriving at the empty training room.

"Are you ready to begin?" She asked him, turning. He bowed slightly.

"I'm yours to teach."

She rolled her eyes, getting on with the lesson.

"We're going to work on using what we're currently feeling, and making it fuel to aid our power." She said, taking a few deep breaths. She tapped into the raw feelings from both of them, and felt it greatly strengthen her force abilities. She lifted Kylo into the air as well as the table in the room and a few chairs that were lying about.

"It's a powerful strength. And it can be drawn on at any time. Never be afraid to use your feelings to strengthen yourself." She set him down along with the table and chairs, and opened the cabinet, pulling some meditation cushions out. She set them down in various locations, instructing Kylo to do as she had done. He started to focus, lifting one cushion at a time. She was focused on his progress when she felt someone watching their practice. Hux stood, watching intently. It was odd but not something that she was very concerned with. However, when it started interrupting Kylo's concentration, she stepped out for s moment to talk to him.

"Can I help you, General?" She asked coldly. Hux seemed to stammer, unsure what to say.

"You're doing a very good job with him. Exemplary performance." He said finally.

Malice raised an eyebrow.

"Thank you. Is that all?"

"What? Oh, yes! I was merely observing!" He inclined his head slightly, walking off.

Malice watched him go, getting an odd feeling from him. She turned to find Kylo looking out at her, the cushions and table crashed to the ground. She walked over to him immediately.

"Kylo, what's wrong? Are you alright?" She asked worriedly.

Kylo was seething.

"He had feelings for you." He told her after calming down some. He paced, trying to further calm himself down. He walked over to her, wrapping his arms protectively around her. How had she not sensed Hux's feelings? Perhaps she'd been too worried about keep an eye on his training. She laid her head against Kylo's chest, trying to soothe him. The training would have to wait on pause for now.

Oh goodness more feelings. Got some exited things coming up! Hope you're enjoying!

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