Chapter Seven

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Asante looked at the table of pieces, curious as to how Kylo expected her to build a lightsaber. Though many of her memories had returned, she didn't recall any of building a lightsaber. Reaching a hand down, she touched a few of the pieces. They were surprisingly cold. She sat at the table, figuring she might as well try to figure something out.

Though many of the pieces were some sort of metal, a few seemed to be small colored crystals. Red and gold seemed to be the colors available. She knew that usually the Jedi used blue and green crystals, but she liked the gold much more. She began fiddling with the pieces, and without realizing it, began piecing them together. It was like her hands knew what to do, but her memory didn't.

Kylo had been pacing outside the door, waiting hopefully to see if she would remember. The door to the room hissed open, and Asante stood there, holding her new lightsaber triumphantly in her hands. She had constructed an elegant, double bladed weapon. She looked up, meeting his eyes behind his mask. Something has changed. She was more confident in herself. In her power and ability. She ignited her lightsaber, and it hummed into a bright golden light.

"Is this the color of your old lightsaber?" He asked curiously. She shrugged.

"Maybe. And maybe I'll remember soon. But this just feels like something that I've missed for so long. Like I've got a void that's finally filled."

He grinned behind his helmet. He had no doubt that she'd soon regain the rest of her memories and they would finally have the final key that they needed to win this war against the resistance.

"Sir! We need you in the conference hall. There is an urgent piece of news that Captain Phasma brought back from her last mission." A stormtrooper announced, saluting to Kylo as he did. Kylo nodded stiffly, motioning the trooper away. He turned to Asante, looking her in the eyes.

"Would you care to come?" He asked. She was somewhat surprised by this question, but nodded, excited to be in on something important. They turned, walking side by side. He was much taller than she was, but they looked menacing striding in unison. Asante's lightsaber swung at her hip, almost showing itself off for her. It was her proudest accomplishment by far.

As they approached the door to the conference hall, Kylo stopped, turning to her.

"It would be best not to speak this time. I want them all to have a fearful first impression of you." He moved a strand of loose hair behind her ear. Dressed in all black, she realized she did look rather fearsome. And now with the addition of her lightsaber? Perhaps silence was more intimidating than anything else this time. She nodded, and they opened the door and walked in. Kylo found his seat, and Asante found that one had already been set for her next to him. She took her seat next to him, looking around at those seated. They were all commanding officers of one sort or another, wearing their titles proudly on their chests. None of them, however, seemed able to hold her gaze for longer than a few seconds. They would all look away quickly, and didn't say a word to her.

"Captain Phasma, please tell us what news you have." Kylo said as the stragglers took their seat. Phasma nodded, standing at the head of the room.

"It seems our latest search turning up a bit of positive news. It seems Skywalker did indeed leave a map to his whereabouts. Not only that, but a piece of it was left with a tribal elder on a nearby desert planet." She announced as a diagram of the planet in question appeared as a hologram.

Skywalker. Why did that name resonate within her so strongly? She felt herself pale, as her heart rate increased. More memories started flooding into her head.

A burning pyre in an endless forest.

A joyous celebration among strangers.

A pair of hands pressed to the side of her head before...

"Malice." Kylo said suddenly, snapping her out of it. She looked up at him, blinking. "What is it?"

"It's nothing. Please proceed, Captain." She said, trying to shake off the images still dancing in her head.

Phasma nodded before continuing. She mentioned a planet named Jakku. And somewhere on this planet, in one particular village, was the map they sought.

"Then it's settled." Kylo said, standing. "We will go in two days time. Captain, prepare a squadron of your best troopers." He turned to go, and Asante stood with him, walking by his side. Behind them, everyone else was standing and discussing the upcoming mission, but all she could think about were the new memories.

"Do we have any type of...meditation room?" She asked quietly. Kylo looked at her without so much as a word, before turning in another direction.

"Follow me."

Ah I apologize for this chapter taking so long! I wanted to make sure I put the exact puzzle pieces in place before it finished! I hope you're enjoying it!

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