Chapter Twenty

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Malice and Kylo boarded the star destroyer once again, and walked down to their rooms. They needed to be ready for when the ship was found. Senzu, who'd been watched by a stormtrooper while they were gone, was excited to see them. As they entered Kylo's room, he sat on the bed and put his hands on his head. Malice picked Senzu up before joining him.

"What is it?" She asked softly.

"Nothing. Nothing you need to be concerned with, anyway." He grumbled. The Nexu in her arms climbed it's way to her shoulder, giving her cheek a small lick.

"Would you like to be alone?" She asked. Kylo nodded, so she stood, and after making sure Senzu was balanced, walked next door to her own room. She could feel Kylo's anguish inside. He seemed torn by the prospect of killing his father.

She set Senzu down, making sure to leave a note for the trooper watching him that they'd return shortly. She went to wait outside of Kylo's room for him when she heard his voice.

"Forgive me. I feel it again. The pull to the light. Supreme leader senses it. If only I could learn the power of the darkness. Then I will let nothing stand in our way. Show me, grandfather. And I will finish what you started."

She realized he was speaking to Darth Vader, and as she listened, she realized that Skywalker's sister must be his mother. The alderran Princess.

He stood suddenly, opening the door. She had just enough time to step back before he saw her, and he brushed past her without a word, but silently telling her to follow him. She'd pulled her hooded robes on for the journey, her lightsaber swinging at her side. They traveled upward, looking at the windows to the base.

"They're going to destroy the system that holds the republic government." Kylo told her as they continued walking. He seemed to be trying to find the perfect view. They finally reached one of the particularly large windows, and waited. Hux would most likely be delivering a moving and determined speech, and then they'd fire.

"Sir, we received word from a spy situated on a nearby planet. They've spotted the droid and the people with it." An officer spoke up.

"Give me the coordinates immediately. We leave at once. Come, Malice." He ordered, snatching the coordinates of the planet from the officer. Malice followed after him, boarding their transport and calling for the awaiting troops  to follow. Instead of only bringing foot soldiers, they brought tie fighters as well.

Taking off, they flew quickly, reaching the planet in no time. They gave the signal for the tie fighters to move down, and they released bombs as they did so, knocking down some sort of ancient stone temple. Foot soldiers were released next, going in with guns and other weapons. Their own ship touched down, and the two of them strode out of the ship, menacing shadows. Kylo stepped over the fallen rubble as a stormtrooper spoke up.

"Sir! The droid was spotted heading west, with a girl."

Kylo turned in the direction immediately, walking off in the direction. Malice took a step toward him but he stopped her.

"I'll get the droid. I need you to stay and fight. Besides, it's what you were missing before."

She grinned and nodded, pleased with the concept. She had no doubt that there were survivors, and they'd have blasters with them. The nearby troops saluted to her, recognizing her authority, and continued their mission.

Many people did climb out of the rubble, most of them wielding blasters. The fighting began immediately, and Malice ignited her golden lightsaber, deflecting the blaster shots that came her way. She aimed them back at their shooters, killing most of them. A grey suited man rushed her with what looked like a large club, but she cut him down easily, and his body fell to the ground.

The fighting went on for quite awhile, and Malice could feel that they were winning. Kylo would soon have the droid, and they would stop the Resistance from ever finding Luke Slywalker.

Nearby she heard something. Another lightsaber hum. It was not the static like noise that Kylo's weapon made, but cleaner, much like her own. She searched for the noise but it was soon gone.

"Don't move!" She heard a trooper say. A few of the squadron had circled around a small group of survivors. Malice approached, going to get a look t their face, but when she locked eyes with one of them, she froze.

"Kaila? Is it really you?" The older man asked. He looked so familiar. Even the outfit. And he knew her real name? She didn't know anyone else that did...

The large wookie beside the man roared, and a trooper aimed his rifle at it. Malice held a hand up.

"Take them alive." She ordered, and the gun was lowered.

"Kaila, what are you doing with them? What happened to you?" The man asked again. She ignored him, giving the signal to have them all marched forward.

"We have incoming!" A trooper said suddenly, pointing at the sky. A few of them rushed forward, guns drawn, but were taken out by the lasers of X-wings, the ships of the Resistance. One of their ships dropped foot soldiers, who started shooting in every direction. Malice was about to ignite her lightsaber when she felt two very large arms hold her from moving, she fought, trying to escape, but to no avail. She prepared a strong force push, but was caught off guard by a single sentence.

"This one needs the serum!"


She had time to think only that before she felt a sharp pinch in her side. There stood a resistance fighter holding a fairly long needle. What had he just injected her with? And when had everything gotten so bright? At least the arms were soft. Like a comfortable bed. She was sure the troopers could take care of themselves.

She felt herself get picked up fully in the fuzzy arms, and smiled to herself. Now it really was like a bed. The blaster shots going off didn't seem to phase her anymore. She admired all the lights going off around them.

"We'll need you to take her to the ship that touches down, alright?" The male voice said. A slight growl responded.

Just across the battlefield, Kylo had captured the girl, and carried her as well. He called for a retreat and climbed on board, trusting that Malice was there. Laying the unconscious girl down, he searched the taking off ship, but by the time he realized they'd left without someone of great importance it was too late.

Is it bad I'm going to work on the next chapter immediately? Because I am. Enjoy!

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