Chapter Ten

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Malice and Kylo had decided to watch the next training matches after them. The room filled with Stormtroopers, with captain Phasma leading them. These were to be the troops that accompanied them to Jakku.

"So, tell me about yourself." Kylo said suddenly. Malice turned, giving him a questioning look.

"What do you mean?"

"Asante told me about herself, but you aren't Asante. You're Malice. So tell me about Malice."

"Anything in particular?"

He shrugged, so she began.

"My name was Kaila. I was actually stolen, is what Lord Sideous told me. I was brought to the Jedi temple as a child after it was discovered I was force sensitive, and a few days later I was stolen by the Sith. Guess I was pretty popular." She laughed. "Sideous was still an apprentice. So I grew up as he did. When I was 24, I became the subject of a very important test. Darth Plageous said he held the power to use the force to live forever. But hadn't tested it. So that's where I came in."

"Is that why they stole you?" Kylo asked. Malice shrugged in response.

"I wasn't actually told why I was stolen. But that would make sense I suppose. The testing was...unpleasant. But I made it through and from the looks of it, it worked. I've stayed looking the same for as far as I can remember. We didn't know if it would end at any point but, so far it hasn't."

"Does that make you immortal?"

"I don't think so. I'm sure I could be killed. I just haven't been yet."

"So you just...have lived through everything. All that history. The growth and naming of Darth Vader. You knew him."

"I did."

It was silent for awhile as they watched the sparring troopers.

"He was so powerful. All the things he did, all that he accomplished. Just to be    Brainwashed by his own son..." Kylo balled his hands into fists.

"You remind me of him sometimes." She said, looking at him. "You look a bit like him as well."

She had never seen Kylo's face with the expression it had on it now. Disbelief and...was that, joy?

He didn't say anything, so Malice began to talk again.

"I had a Nexu, you know? Aya was her name. Sideous gave her to me to train. He said she would be a fierce companion in battle. She was difficult to train. Until they trust you, they'll stab you with their spines any chance they get. But eventually we trusted each other. When she was fully grown, I could ride her into fights. We were a perfect team. But that was the hard part about this whole...thing. I watched her grow. I watched her die. People came and went. But I'm still here."

She stopped. Fresh memories of the spiked cat resurfaced. She had been training not to attach herself to anything emotionally. She felt a hand on her back, hidden from the eyes of the troopers, but comforting just the same.

"She sounds wonderful, Kaila." Kylo said. She flinched. She wasn't used to her real name being used. When a Sith is named by a master, they just go by that name from then on. But she didn't mind Kylo using it for some reason.

"Did I offend you? May I call you by your name?" He asked, seemingly worried by her flinch. She smiled slightly.

"If we are around others, no. If it's just us speaking, then I'll allow it. I just don't hear my real name very often. Not for many many years as a matter of fact."

"Very well."

Another silence, broken occasionally by the shot of blasters.

"My name is Ben." He said, suddenly. Malice blinked in surprise.

"Ben, huh? I like it. But around all these troopers, I think Kylo Ren is a lot more intimidating."

A rare smile graced his face, and they sat together for awhile longer, each thinking about what they'd heard.

Shorter chapter since I already published one today! Little more insight about our main character!

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