Chapter Twenty-Six

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General Snoke had appeared in a much smaller hologram the following day. Kylo had been resting so it was only Malice and Hux that went to meet with him.

"The girl is powerful, and she will grow stronger with teaching. I will be continuing Kylo's training, but until I call for him, I will have you do it, Malice."

Malice nodded stiffly.

"Hux, the star destroyer was not destroyed, bring yourselves back to it immediately and I will discuss with you what our next plan will be."

"As you wish, supreme leader." Hux said. Snoke flickered out and they both let out a sigh of relief. They'd been expecting his full rage for failing on the base, but it seemed he had moved on and was already thinking of a new plan.

"The star destroyer's coordinates will take us an hour or so to get to." Hux told her. She turned, going to see how Kylo was doing. She needed to let him know what was going on.

She walked through the door to the room he was staying in, and found him sleeping silently. He'd been recuperating ever since his lost battle, and his wounds were healing nicely. His face, however, would bear the scar that the girl had given him. It didn't look that different from his grandfather, now that she thought of it. Anakin had had a similar face scar.

She sat next to him on the bed, moving his curly hair to the sides of his face. He still had the bandage covering the gash, but it had finally stopped bleeding. Thank goodness they'd had bacta on board.

Kylo opened his eyes slowly, looking up at her. He reached for her hand, and held it.

"What did he say?" He asked.

"We're to go back to the star destroyer. And I'm to train you so you get stronger. He said he would call you when he was ready to fully complete your training."

He sighed, looking up at the ceiling.

"He thinks I'm too weak to fight her again." He said angrily.

"Of course he doesn't. But we know she'll get training now, so we have to adapt and grow to beat her. That's how the Sith survived and took over the Galaxy. Did you know that?" She asked.

Kylo shook his head.

"When the Sith and the Jedi fought, the Jedi won, and they continued their same traditions for years and years. When the Sith lost, they adapted. They grew. They learned from their mistakes, so when they battled the Jedi next, they had grown, but the Jedi had stayed the same, and they won."

Kylo seemed to grow more determined hearing this. His eyes lit up with the fierce fire she was used to seeing. She gave him a small smile. She hadn't gotten to finish what she was trying to tell him on the bridge, but perhaps she'd wait for later. She leaned down, gently kissing his forehead while avoiding his bandage.

"You'll need to build a new lightsaber soon." She told him, running her hands through his hair. He frowned slightly.

"I will eventually. We'll have to get the parts. And the crystal."

"No problem. We'll get them together when you're ready."

He signed, looking up at the ceiling again, seemingly deep in thought. There was a lot to process during the last few days, but he had one question on his mind right now.

"What happened? How were they able to capture you?"

Malice sighed.

"They had some sort of serum, that's what they called it. Everything got very fuzzy and it blocked my force abilities. I don't know how it was. They just kept me locked up. And then the traitor, Finn, broke me out to use me as a bargaining chip to get the girl out. I told him I wasn't worth trading her for but he didn't lis-" Kylo stopped her.

"Never say that. You would have been worth trading her for, and I would've risked the wrath of Snoke to do it."

She smiled before continuing.

"We got back here and everything just happened so fast." She said, remembering the flash of red as he'd cut Han Solo down. She was glad in a way that everything was over for now. Things had gotten so hectic all at once. At least now they could relax slightly.

They sat together for a moment before she knelt on the ground and laid her head on his chest. He stroked her hair gently, as she thought about what training she would be choosing for him. She'd given pointers before, sure. But straight up training someone? It wasn't something she'd done before and she was a bit nervous.

You'll do just fine. I'm lucky to have such an experienced teacher. Kylo thought to her.

She smiled, closing her eyes and eventually falling into a light snooze on his chest. She hadn't been injured but she'd been just as tired. He tested her mind to see if she was fully asleep, before murmuring a single sentence.

"I love you, too."

Just a set up chapter to get the next little bit of the story going! Glad everyone's liking it! I really appreciate the nice comments! ❤️

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