Chapter Twelve

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They had many different tactic meetings to attend that day. Most led by captain Phasma, as General Hux would be staying with the ship. It would be a quick mission. They had one thing to obtain and would leave when they had it in their possession.

Malice was delighted with the idea of going on a mission again. It had been far too long since she'd gotten to use her lightsaber in real combat. Kylo, however, seemed to be hovering protectively even more so than usual. She didn't mind.

After the meeting, Malice found Kylo no where to be found. Perhaps he had left already. She passed the saluting troopers at the door and reached out with the force, searching for him. She finally located his presence in a part of the ship she had yet to go. Following the trace he'd left, she began to pick up on something more and more. Unbridled rage. It was surely Kylo, but why? Had something been said in the meetings that had upset him?

Quickly rounding a corner after bringing the elevator higher, she found a room that also held no title. But it's where the trace had led her, so she stopped. Placing a hand on the cold metal of the door, she took a breath in, and focused on reaching out to him. The door hissed open, revealing nothing but darkness. She took a step in, letting her eyes adjust to the darkness.

It was a very large room, but very empty. A bed sat in a corner, alone with a medium sized closet. A table laid in the opposite corner, but it was uncluttered. This had been where Kylo's anger had led her, but now she sensed nothing, and that put her even more on her guard.

She didn't raise her guard in time, however, before she found herself thrown back against the wall with a force push. She fell to the ground, trying to recover after having the wind knocked out of her. At least nothing appeared to be broken. But it was a very strong and unexpected blow. She looked up, seeing Kylo emerge from the shadows. The overwhelming sense of anger and rage had returned.

"Do you have any respect for anyone's privacy?" He growled, as she got to her feet.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to see if you were ok. But I didn't know this was your room, or I would've knocked."

For being the older and more experienced one, she suddenly felt very small. She'd heard that he had a tendency to have what the troopers often referred to as "incidents". This must be one of them. Was she caught off guard? Yes. What she scared? No. More curious as to what was causing it if anything.

"What's wrong? You seemed fine earlier. Did something happen?"

"I don't have to explain myself to you!"

Malice narrowed her eyes at this response. It had gotten them nowhere.

"Is it something about the mission tomorrow?"


"You know it's going to go smoothly. We're going to go down, get the map, and get out."

Kylo sighed, seeming to somewhat settle at her confidence.

"Our main goal is to get the map. But I have another just as important mission, and that's protecting you tomorrow." He finally explained.

"You know I can take care of myself now, Kylo. I've kind of had quite a few years of experience." She smiled. Kylo wasn't amused.

"This is serious, Kaila."

Her smile disappeared. The only times her real name was used was when he meant what he said. He was actually worried about tomorrow. About being able to multitask his two missions.

She stood, walking over to him. She made sure he wouldn't turn away before reassuring him.

"There is nothing we can't do or overcome together. Snoke said it himself. We're powerful apart, but together, I wish luck to whoever would even think about standing in our way."

His eyes grew more hopeful, and he nodded, starting to feed off of her confidence. She was right. The two of them together? Unstoppable. She smiled somewhat again, seeing the change of his face and emotion. She swept a strand of his hair back from his face, but pulled her hand back when she saw his surprise and confusion.

"We should both get some sleep." He said stiffly. She nodded quietly, afraid that she'd upset him.

"Be ready to go early. I'll come get you from your room and we'll go together."

"Alright. I'll be ready." She turned, stepping through the door. "Goodnight, Ben."

"Goodnight, Kaila."

The first real signs of Kylo's temper. This time it didn't cause much harm, but will he end up doing something he regrets? You'll have to keep reading!

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