Chapter Thirteen

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Malice woke early, getting ready as quickly as she could. She dressed in another form fitting, black outfit, and pulled black robes on over it, raising the hood. Looking in the mirror, she looked absolutely terrifying. Her burning eyes shine out from beneath the hood. This is the way she was used to looking, and maybe she'd dress like this more often.

Clipping her lightsaber to her belt, she almost stepped out of her room before remembering Kylo's request.

Wait for me to come get you and we'll go together.

She looked around, seeing if she was completely ready to go. She had her lightsaber, and that was really all she had planned on bringing. Her black and gray hair was pulled into a messy bun, leaving some strands of hair framing her face. She tucked one piece behind her ear, remembering the night before. Kylo had seemed surprised by her small gesture. How did she feel about him? She wasn't sure.

As if on cue, her door hissed open and in her doorway stood Kylo, mask on and looking as intimidating as ever. He studied her for a moment, circling her like a predator. She stayed still, looking at nothing in particular, before he stopped in front of her again.

"I like you this way." He said, tilting his head. His voice was robotic sounding as he spoke. "You look like yourself."

Malice gave a small smile.

"Are we going yet?" She asked. "I'm all set."

He stood aside from the door, bowing slightly as she passed him. A few passing stormtroopers flinched as they passed her, making her smile grow slightly. Kylo stepped up next to her.

"We're taking multiple ships. We'll be on one with some of the more advanced troopers."

She nodded

"Sounds good to me."

They walked together to the ships, where a few dozen stormtroopers were boarding. It was a small desert village they were attacking. An entire army wasn't needed. They must have looked terrifying together, as almost everyone made sure to get out of their way.

General Hux approached them, overseeing the boarding.

"I hope you're able to accomplish your task." He said curtly, before turning and walking away. She felt Kylo's anger rise and put a hand on his arm.

"Save it for Jakku." She said quietly so that only he could hear. He relaxed a bit, knowing she was right. They boarded the ship as Malice was still contemplating on Hux's comment. She hadn't seen any particular ill will between them but perhaps she hadn't seen them near each other enough.

Taking their seat, the ship rose in the hanger of the star destroyer. It turned, moving just outside of the destroyer, before making a jump to light speed.

Malice was caught off guard by the sudden jolt in the ship, falling slightly backward. She steadied herself, glancing around, but saw that no one appeared to have seen her.

I saw

The voice echoed in her head, almost as though it was her own thought, but she knew exactly who's thought it really was.

"How long have you been able to do that?" She thought back.

She felt him mentally shrug.

As long as I've wanted to. Why, do you oppose?


They sat in silence for awhile longer before she had a question.

Can you only sense my vocal thoughts? If I pictured an image, would you be able to see it?

I don't know. Would you like to try?

She nodded quickly, but made sure no one else would be able to see her do so. What to think of? She had seen so many places. So many people.

That was it. She knew exactly what to show him. She wanted him to be on the top of his game for this mission, and what better way then to show him and inspire him with his ultimate hero.

She retrieved a particular memory of Vader, his first moments in his life support suit. The room slowly began to shake as all sorts of bottles and equipment was crushed with his force abilities. She skipped forward to him crushing the neck of a rebel, throwing him against the wall.

She could feel a Kylo's excitement growing, along with his determination.

We will make him proud today. She thought to him.

Yes. We most certainly will. We will touch down on the planet soon, and they shall know of the great power that is Lady Malice and Kylo Ren.

Short chapter while I decide exactly just how I'd like the next chapter to go! Hope you're enjoying it!

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