Chapter Eighteen

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Malice rolled over, curling closer to Kylo. He put his arm around her, enjoying the peaceful moment. Senzu was snoring lightly beside them, curled into his bed. He looked down at Malice, admiring her. He rarely looked at her like this during the day, and if he did it was hidden by his mask. Her black and grey hair was draped beautifully over her pillow. Her face was peaceful, and assumed nightmare free. She was beautiful. Powerful. Everything he could have hoped for. He wanted to make this last forever, but knew today was the day Hux would report back to them.

His sleepy counterpart stirred, yawning and opening her eyes. She looked up at him.

"I'm glad you're here this time." She said sleepily. He smiled.

"I am, too."

Senzu stirred, giving a big yawn with his fully toothed mouth.

"We're going to have days when we're both gone. Who will watch him?" Malice asked.

"We'll have some stormtroopers do it. And hope he doesn't kill them."

Malice chuckled at the response, sitting up in bed. Kylo placed a hand on her back, and Malice felt him sharing his energy with her, helping her wake up fully.

A knock sounded at the door,and they both froze. Really, it was no one's business where they slept, but they both thought it best to keep it to themselves for now.

Malice stood, grabbing Senzu and crouching in the closet. She listened intently as Kylo stood to go to the door, holding the drowsy Nexu in her arms.

"Sir, General Hux has news concerning the BB unit." A voice said.

"Very well. I will arrive shortly."

"Shall I wake Lady Malice as well?"

"I shall do that myself. You're dismissed."

The door shut and Malice released a breath she didn't know she had been holding. Kylo opened the door to the closet and offered her a hand up. She took it, standing.

"That could've been bad." She muttered. Kylo nodded silently. He took her face in his hands again.

"What makes you choose me? You're so many things I could never be. So much more powerful."

"Power isn't everything, Ben." She said gently. "It's true I'm powerful. But I'm still human."

He sighed, still so in awe of her.

She dismissed herself to get dressed, and they met outside of their rooms. He had donned his mask and they headed up to one of the control rooms to wait for Hux's news.

A door hissed open behind them, and Malice sensed the presence of someone very nervous. It wasn't Hux, and that couldn't mean good news.

"S-Sir?" The man stammered, pulling his hat off. "We were unable to acquire the droid on Jakku."

Kylo turned to face the man slowly.

"He escaped capture aboard a stolen corrilean freighter."

"The droid...stole a freighter." Kylo said, equally as slowly. His anger was growing, and Malice was preparing herself.

"Not exactly, Sir. It had help. We have no confirmation, but we believe FN-2187 may have helped in the escape."

Kylo had drawn his lightsaber before the man could finish his sentence. Malice took a seat at a nearby table. Kylo swung the lightsaber up, sparks flying from everything it came in contact with. The man flinched, his face now white, as Kylo destroyed the wall behind him.

Finally he stopped, and the lightsaber was deactivated.

"Anything else?" Malice asked the man from her seat. She had made sure to sit far enough to not get any sparks thrown her way but close enough to stop Kylo if he really got out of control. She didn't believe the man stupid enough to continue to speak.

"The two were accompanied by a girl."

Even Sith were wrong sometimes.

Kylo reached out with the force, grabbing the man by the neck and dragging him over. The man's feet dangled just over the floor as he gasped for breath.

"What girl?" Kylo demanded, now holding the man by the neck himself. The man stuttered, unable to form any words, before having his neck crushed. Kylo tossed his body down onto the floor, growing more angry by the second. Malice stood, walking over to him. His head turned sharply in her direction and she stopped, raising a hand.

"Kylo. Come here."

He didn't budge. But she was just as stubborn. She held her hand out for what seemed like ages before he finally moved in her direction. Little by little he finally made his way too her, still fuming. She couldn't see his eyes from under his mask, but she could feel they weren't meeting her own.

She slowly slid her hand up, coming to rest on the mask. He flinched somewhat but didn't pull away. Finding the button on the side, she pressed it, and his mask opened, allowing her to pull it off. Had they not been alone, he never would have let her do this. But she'd force locked the door and knew they wouldn't be disturbed.

Kylo didn't meet her eyes. He was furiously looking away from her. His eyes were moisture filled but no tears escaped them. She put her hand on his cheek and he closed his eyes.

"You were right." He muttered. "We should have gone. We should never have entrusted such an important mission to mere stormtroopers."

"You're right, but now that's in the past. We need to put our knowledge now to good use, but there's nothing we can change about the past. Trust me." Her eyes held a twinge of sadness for a moment before it was replaced with affection. Kylo nodded, almost childlike. He finally met her eyes. Hazel met fire and she pushed force energy into him, helping him calm down.

A pair of boots could be heard outside the door, knocking. Kylo took his helmet back and slid it on, before going to answer the door. Hux stood there, looking a little worried but more official than anything.

"We're to return to base, by command of Supreme Leader Snoke. He wants to see us. ALL of us." He glanced at Malice before turning and leaving.

Was this just going to be about the droid, or had Snoke sensed the feelings that were blossoming between her and Kylo?

Finally headed back to star killer base! Malice hasn't even seen or heard of it yet. Guess it never came up in conversation. We'll see how she likes it!

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