Chapter Forty

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Upon waking up for the second time, Malice and Kylo finally got out of bed and started packing again.

"I just feel like we should be more prepared." Kylo said, throwing some food rations into his bag. Malice nodded from her spot in the room.

"We're as prepared as we can be. The archives don't have really any information on it, which I'm starting to think might be for a reason. The empire would've destroyed it manually, but why?" She said, almost to herself. She tended to think out loud, and Kylo had always been able to humor her. If it was how she thought things out, it's how she thought things out. Everyone was different in that regard.

She had assigned someone to watch Senzu the day before, and she could see the troopers shoulders slump at the assignment. She always told the Nexu to behave but he did enjoy playing with the troopers that came in. With the rate he was growing, she wouldn't be surprised if he was fully grown when they came back. They'd gotten him a bigger bed and he'd purred and curled up in it immediately. His training had gone much smoother than Aya's had gone, and perhaps Sideous had planned it that way.

They finished packing quickly, and Kylo put his helmet on. He hadn't worn it in awhile, or not that Malice had seen anyway, so she was somewhat surprised by this. But she didn't say anything and pulled her over robe on.

They strode out together, robes billowing out behind them. A few troopers straightened up as they walked by. They'd need to find a pilot, again. Guess it had slipped their minds to get one before hand.

"Where are you two going." A curt voice said from behind them. It was Hux, and they didn't even need to turn to face him to confirm that.

"Where we go is none of your business." Kylo said dangerously.

"It is when this is the second time in not very long that you've both been gone." He replied.

"I know it must be difficult for you to understand, seeing as you're well beneath us, but our trips are for much needed training." Malice began coldly. "Training so difficult, it would make the likes of people like you whimper and break before a day had gone by."

"W-well, I suppose if it's for training, it's alright." Hux stammered. Was this his answer because he still had feelings for her? Or because he respected what she had said. One way to find out.

She ignited her lightsaber quickly, and in mere seconds it was at Hux's throat. He knew better not to move even an inch, or the beam would begin to burn through his skin. The saber's golden light cast an eerie shadow over his face, and he gulped.

"It would be fine no matter where we were going." She told him, what hung the sweat drip down his face. "You are not, and will not ever be what we are. And because of that, you can keep your little nose out of our business. Is that clear?"

"Yes, m'lady." Hux answered, eyeing her lightsaber blade. She held it there for a few more moments before closing it up and clipping it back to her belt. They turned, heading back down the hall and leaving Hux feeling his neck to make sure it was still intact.

That was pretty amusing to watch. Kylo thought to her. Was that a mental snicker she detected?

I needed to make sure our point was received not just through me saying it. Usually a good threat will do the trick. She replied.

Entering the hanger, they found their transport ship and climbed on, putting their bags down.

"I'll fetch us a pilot." Kylo said, turning to go back down the ramp. Malice turned, checking both of their bags to make sure they were well stocked, and hadn't forgotten anything. Both bags seemed filled with the necessities and what they'd mentioned. The transport had emergency tented enclosures available, so they'd be bringing one of those as well.

Kylo returned a few minutes later with a pilot that Malice recognized from seeing around the ship. He had taken them on a few missions, and would now be taking them to Moraband.

"Here are the coordinates to the planet." She said, handing over a small device that she'd stored the data on. The pilot took it, nodding, and plugged it into the cockpit, pulling up the information.

Kylo and Malice took seats as the ship took off, and Malice's excitement rose as they made the jump to light speed. Soon they'd know the secrets that were held on Moraband.

New chapter! Excited for the Moraband chapters :3

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