Chapter Six

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Today was the day. Asante was finally allowed to go outside the room again. Kylo had decided she was in control now and wouldn't accidentally kill anyone. He had been in an increasingly good mood lately, and had begun to call her Malice instead of Asante. He said it was her name before she could remember so she had just shrugged and accepted it.

Her old clothes had gotten torn during their fight so she had been receiving custom made outfits from who knows where. It was all a lot darker than she was used to, but she was beginning to like it. They made her look powerful and that was something she was enjoying.

Her door opened and Kylo stepped through her door, and removed his helmet, grinning.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm just...proud of us. All we've accomplished. You had all this power already but I'm glad I could help you gain it back. You're more powerful than I even imagined, you remembered all your lightsaber training."

"But I still don't remember everything. I remember people but not the reason I know them." She frowned.

"You will in time. We're close, I can feel it." He said hopefully. "Today I've got a surprise for you. And it might even help you remember."

She continued to frown.

"The last time you said that, you attacked me with your lightsaber."

He shrugged.

"Maybe not the most recognized technique but it DID work. Now come on." He pulled his helmet back on, and she followed him.

She had started to miss the ship outside of her room. Everything was just as she remembered it. She supposed that nothing had happened to change how anything looked, but still.

She did notice that the stormtroopers walking around glanced at her and moved slightly to the side to get out of their way.

"You see?" Kylo said. "They respect you. Word of your power has clearly spread."

Asante nodded, thinking that over. How had word of her power spread? Perhaps it was during the outbursts...

"It was during the outbursts." Kylo answered. Asante mentally rolled her eyes.

"Your power is stronger to just effect in your little cell. Anyone walking by would be blasted back. We had quite the low traffic through this part of the ship for a few weeks."

Asante laughed at this, knowing now why they seemed to be avoiding her. They traveled farther than she had ever been, and she was thankful Kylo was there to guide her. If he decided to ditch her, she'd be in a lot of trouble, especially with the stormtroopers not wanting to be any nearer to her then they had to be.

Kylo came to a stop outside a lone door. He entered a password code into the door and it opened to a dark room. They stepped inside, and lights came on, illuminating the room. There was a line table and chair, littered with small metal pieces. The door hissed open again and Asante turned to see Kylo leaving.

"When you are done, I'll return. It's time you've built your own lightsaber."

Who knew such small pieces of metal would hold so much confusion and significance?

Shorter chapter because I'm heading to bed! Welcome to all the new readers! ❤️

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