Chapter Twenty-Two

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It had been a very long time since Malice had seen anyone. She was regularly injected with the force blocking serum, and it left her completely unable to do anything. They came at very specific times, and she'd picked up their pattern and began to expect them.

she'd heard a meeting going on somewhere nearby, but of course nothing specific. Surely these fools knew they were done for?

The door opened, and in walked the man who had once been trooper FN-2187. But she'd heard he had another name now so she stayed quiet. He was most likely here to inject her.

"Get it over with." She finally said after he had only continued to stand there. He approached her cautiously, and she watched him closely.

"Listen, I'm not here to inject you. They just think I am." He said quietly. Malice raised an eyebrow.

"They took Rey. I need to get her back. I volunteered for their strike on the base so I can go get her, but if we can't break her out by force, maybe a swap would work."

"Me? Swapped for that girl? Why in the world would they swap me for her? She bluffed. "Listen-"


"Listen, Finn. There's no way we'd be able to get me out of here, let alone past everyone and to any ships. I don't have my lightsaber. I don't have the force. I'm useless. They wouldn't trade me."

Finn pulled out her lightsaber from behind his back, and she became more interested.

"I picked it up when they knocked you out. Didn't tell them I had it. And I can unlock you, we just need a plan." He told her.

She rolled her eyes, but in reality she was desperate to get back to Kylo and the first order.

"Fine." She snapped. "What's your plan?"

As night set on the resistance base, almost everyone was asleep. A few guards scattered here and there, and none of them would've suspected the ex stormtrooper of breaking out the one person they were fighting to keep. He had even watching the patrols, even signing himself up for one, and when the time was right, he opened the door to Malice's cell.

She rubbed her wrists after he'd untied her. She hadn't been injected in awhile, but wasn't able to use the force yet. And even if she could, she was smart enough not to try anything. This was going to be her ticket back. She hated to admit it, but she needed them.

Finn snuck her into the Falcon, and together they found a hidden compartment for her to hide in.

"We're leaving early, so hopefully we can go before they realize you're gone." Finn said. She nodded, sitting in the compartment.

"Oh, and here's this."

He tossed her her lightsaber and she attached it to her belt. She fought the urge to simply kill everyone while she was here, but she couldn't fly a ship and it would only draw attention to them. She glanced around the ship, unimpressed.

"This? This is the Millennium Falcon?" She asked, clearly not impressed.

"Trust me, it doesn't look like much but it's an extremely fast ship. We'll have to go through the shield of the StarKiller base still in light speed."

"Are you crazy? Going off of light speed that close to such a huge base? We could smash into it!" She hissed quietly.

"Get into the compartment. You don't have a choice." He said in a hushed tone. She rolled her eyes and lowered herself in. It was underneath some floor tiles, and was just big enough to for a person or two to sit in. She sat quietly, testing to see if she could use the force yet. The top of the compartment shook once and stopped, and she sighed in disappointment. It was a good half hour before she heard things start to happen. The door to the ship lowered and in walked the wookie, Han, and Finn again.

"You're sure you can land this thing going that fast?" Finn asked Han, who was walking to the pilot seat.

"It's the only way we're getting past their shields. We don't have a choice."

The ship hummed to life, lifting into the air. The jump to light speed was sudden, and Malice found herself falling over in her hiding place.

She heard the wookie bark. It seemed he had heard her. Footsteps came to right above where she was and she held her breath.

"Listen guys, I have to tell you something." Finn said to Han and the wookie. "I may have come up with a plan that I put into action without telling you two."

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Han muttered. More footsteps to where she was and the covering over her spot was lifted. The wookie roared angrily and Han had it pull her out, restraining her again.

"You brought her with us? Why in the world would you do that?" Han demanded. Finn took a breath.

"Listen, if we can't get Rey back, I thought maybe we could exchange the two of them. Make a deal."

Han thought for a moment.

"Did you at least bring any of the serum?"

Finn didn't answer.

"You don't need to be worried about that." She spoke up, showing how little she could do by shaking a nearby machine part. "That's all I've got. I don't expect it to return for quite some time."

Han looked her over before nodding at the wookie, who set her down gently. He returned to his seat without a word.

"That went well." Malice said, brushing fur off of her clothing. Finn walked over to join them and Malice did the same.

"Get ready Chewie." He told the wookie, who put its paw on a lever. "!"

The ship ended its light speed run and they found themselves going right towards a rocky cliff. The ship pulled up quickly, and went crashing through the tree line. Chewie roared at Han, who was concentrating on flying.

"If I get any higher they'll see us!" He yelled. The ship bounced once on the snowy cliffs before sliding quickly towards the edge. Malice was hanging on for dear life, as was Finn. The ship finally slowed just to the edge, and stopped. They were alive, but Malice almost felt like puking.

In a far off hanger in the base, Kylo Ren was searching for the missing girl. After putting all hangers on lockdown, he turned, sensing something. Someone. Two someones.

"Han Solo." he said quietly. And it seemed he had come to return his missing jewel.

So many new readers since I last updated! Welcome, all! I hope you're enjoying everything! :D

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