Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Their fight had gone well. Each of them were glad to get back into the swing of things. They'd ended the fight in a draw, wanting to save their energy. The battle had just been to get Kylo's temporary lightsaber broken in, and he seemed fairly pleased with it.

They had saved their energy for the actual work out part of the day, which consisted of different acrobatic exercises for Malice and some weight lifting for Kylo. They had one portion that was done without the use of the force and a half that did, as they were working to strengthen both their physical selfs and their mental powers.

They'd ditched the heavy black robes for the lighter, still black clothing underneath. Malice was holding a handstand for as long as she could, taking deep, even breaths. Last she'd seen Kylo he was doing push ups. They weren't her favorite, so she opted for the hand stands instead. After holding it for ten minutes or so, she landed gently on her feet, brushing her hands off. She had a nice burn going and didn't want to let it ease down quite yet. Taking a running start, she launched herself into a run of different kinds of flips. She ended it landing on point, and on her feet, which was the most important. Turning, she saw Kylo, who seemed to have switched to one handed push ups. He definitely had more physical strength than she did, which is why they made such a good pair. They had grown to play off each other's strengths and step in to cover their weaknesses.

Kylo stood, wiping the sweat from his forehead. They both enjoyed getting stronger, but it was time to take a rest. They sat against the wall, taking a breather.

The door opened, a small group of five of six stormtroopers came in, carrying their helmets under their arms. Malice stood, leaving Kylo sitting, and walked over to them.

"This room is occupied." She told them, folding her arms. She saw the first stormtrooper smirk, and she recognized him instantly. This was the one who had been thinking about her earlier.

"Well I'm sure you can see, there's more of us than there is of you. We obviously need it more."

Had that been an underlying threat? She was going to try one more time to say it calmly and know what? No. She wasn't going to say it calmly again. He'd had his chance and he'd been disrespectful of her and her position. She reached out, grabbing the man roughly by the neck, and listen him up. Just because Kylo was stronger, didn't mean she didn't have some strength of her own. The man began to choke again and she slowly squeezed his airway. The group behind him took a few steps back in fear, and she fed off of it, scowling at the man.

"I don't think you heard me right. This room is being used. And it's going to continue to be used. So unless you're volunteering yourself as a target for my training, I'd suggest you find a different room." She spat at him. His eyes bulged from his head, and he nodded quickly. Using a bit of force energy, she threw the man against the wall.he landed, looking up with a new found fear in his eyes, and the group of them scuttled out. Once they had all left, Kylo stood, coming over from her.

"I would have come gotten them to leave for you." He said softly, brushing hair out of her face.

"They need to fear me. To respect me. And they already do for you. It was time for me to take care of things." She said, and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

"I'm so in love with you." He almost whispered, sending slight shivers down her spine. She grinned at his affection. Apparently anger and physical shows of dominance and strength were his thing.        She realized it was the first time she'd heard him say that he loved her. She'd try to say it once but the current circumstances had prevented her from getting the entire sentence out.

"Well, I think we're done using this room, now." She said smugly. Kylo chuckled.

"So you went through all that just to actually be done with using the room in the first place?"

"It'll make more of a statement of how they need to respect my orders even if they don't make sense." She said, grinning. They went to grab their outer robes and walked out into the hall. They walked into Kylo's room, hanging the robes up. Malice stretched her arms before looking up at Kylo, who had an interesting look on his face.

"I think we both need a shower." He said, and she realized they didn't exactly smell the best. But that's what workouts did to you.

"Yeah, you're right." She said, looking at her sweat drenched top. Kylo held the door to his bathroom open, raising an eyebrow. Malice blushed slightly, realizing what he had meant.

"After you, m'lady." He said, motioning her through. The color stayed on her face as she walked past him. He shut the door behind them, and the water turned on.

More implied smut. The best kind of smut. They'll be heading off on their next trip soon!

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