Chapter Fifteen

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The two shadows walked down corridors before finally arriving at Kylo's chambers. He didn't go in, however, but turned to look at her.

"Your former quarters were undeserving of you and incredibly small. While we were gone I had the staff move your things to the room next to mine. It's a lot bigger."

Malice hadn't really noticed how small her old room had been but it became clear when she stepped through the door of her new room. It seemed to be just as big as Kylo's room was, just filled with her things instead of his. She appreciated that he was thinking of her like this, and was looking forward to not feeling all alone like her old room had been.

She walked in, removing and hanging up her outer robe, as Kylo took a seat on her bed.

"Do you believe Hux is capable of retrieving the map?" She asked as she was unclipping her hair, letting it free from the bun she'd had it in. Kylo removed his helmet, setting it on the floor.

"For his sake, I hope so." He said, running a hand through his own hair.

Malice snickered.

"Why do I feel like we'll probably still have to go fetch it ourselves?"

"Because we will probably have to."

She came and sat next to him, kicking her shoes off. She could feel Kylo looking at her, but continued to pull her shoes off, setting them neatly next to her bed. They sat in silence for a moment, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Malice welcomed the change of pace.

She'd really grown to enjoy his presence, and was lucky she got to be around him almost everyday. But the feeling she got around him had been growing into something else. The Sith were not afraid of love as the Jedi were. They recognized that passion was an extremely strong feeling and was a good way to channel the force. Was that what she felt for him? From his reaction the other night, she wasn't sure he felt any sort of the same way.

"Don't be afraid." He said softly, looking at the ground. "I feel it too."

Her heart missed a beat at his statement. He continued to look at the ground, seemingly deep in thought. She didn't intrude into his thoughts, but could easily sense his conflict. He did indeed feel as she did, but he was unsure about how Snoke would react if he found out.

She placed a hand on the side of his face, turning him to look at her. He closed his eyes at her touch, enjoying the contact.

"He doesn't have to know." She said simply. His eyes opened, and they looked at her with a mix of excitement and something else. She couldn't pick out the emotion exactly, which was surprising.

"The Jedi aren't allowed to love." He said. "But we can?"

Malice nodded.

"Have you ever heard the Sith code?"

He nodded, waiting for her to continue.

"What is the first line?"

"Peace is a lie, there is only passion..." He trailed off, realizing what she was saying.

"Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory, and through victory my chains are broken."

He nodded again.

"Passion is required, you see, to set us free from the chains that the Jedi are bound with. It unlocks our full potential to control the force."

Kylo was listening intently, seeming to enjoy the ancient Sith teaching. Malice had lowered her hand from his face, but he took it into his own hands. The force in the air seemed to crack in the air like sparking electricity. It was slowly building from both of them, as they sat there in silence once again.

She yawned slightly, feeling tired from the day's adventure. Once the excitement and adrenaline had died down, she had slowly begun to get more and more exhausted. Kylo noticed this and squeezed her hand.

"You should get some sleep." He said, standing to go. He was starting to feel tired himself, but didn't want to overstay his welcome. He turned, taking a few steps to the door, but it wouldn't open.

"You don't have to go."

The voice was a lot smaller than he was used to hearing. He looked at her, and found she was glancing down at the floor as he had been. The face of the fierce Malice seemed to have melted, leaving a tired and small Kaila in her place. He walked back to her, kneeling in front of her, and raised her face to his. She looked at him with almost pleading eyes, and he gave her a small smile. He moved up, placing a light kiss on her forehead.

She sighed happily, relaxing and growing content. He helped her stand, using the force to pull the covers of her bed back. She climbed in and he followed, finding a comfortable position on his back. She paused a moment before slowly moving closer to him, resting her head on his chest. He smiled with his eyes closed, placing a hand on her back. They both fell asleep quickly, enjoying the comfort of each other's heat.

Wow look at that. Feelings happened. Whooooooooo

Hope you're enjoying!

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