Chapter Twenty-Four

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The door pulled open, and Han and Chewie began shooting immediately. A few nearby stormtroopers attempted to fight back, but were no match for the pair's precision.

"Rey and I will go get the doors open for you. Where will she go?" He asked, nodding to Malice.

Rey looked confused.

"Isn't she here to help you?" She asked. Finn laughed.

"I wish. No, she's very dangerous. And part of the First Order. We've just had her drugged to not be able to use her powers."

"What powers?" Rey asked suddenly.

"The same ones that you have." Malice said, grinning. Rey looked at her with a strange look on her face, before they all separated, leaving Malice with Han and Chewie.

"Don't try anything, Kaila, or you'll have your arms ripped off before you can say 'wookie.'" Han told her. They ran forward to a locked door and waited. Something the other two must have done worked, because it swung open instantly.

"Huh, girl knows her stuff." Han said as they continued to run. They walked into a large open area, that seemed to be their final destination.

"Set the charges against every other column." Han instructed, taking half of the charges and giving Chewie the other half. He glanced at Malice.

"You don't get any. I'm sure you understand."

Chewie growled something and Han answered.

"You're right, that's a better idea. You take the top, I'll go on the bottom. Here's the detonator." He handed the small device to the wookie. "We'll meet back here. Kaila, you're coming with me."

She followed him down the stairs as he put the charges up. This would definitely give the resistance an upper hand, if it worked.

A door opened much higher up, and stormtroopers flooded the area. Han grabbed her and they hid behind a column, hoping no one would see them. The troopers spread out more, and a black cloaked figure walked by them. Malice felt immediately who it was.


Her body wasn't putting out her force signal, so he didn't feel her or stop. She and Han peeked out, watching him walk away. She hadn't realized just how much she'd missed him. How much he meant to her. It was something she wouldn't take for granted again.

"You love him, don't you?" Han asked her quietly. She refused to meet his eyes, confirming his answer. "I do too. Now stay here." He left his hiding spot, leaving her there. True, she didn't have to listen, but she felt like this was going to be something that had to be done.

Kylo began to cross a bridge that spanned the pit below, when Han called to his son.

"Ben!" He yelled.

Kylo stopped immediately. Malice watched as he turned to face his father.

"Han Solo." He started. "I've been waiting for this day for a long time."

Han took a few small steps towards him.

"Take off that mask." Han told him. "You don't need it."

"What do you think you'll see if I do?"

"The face of my son." Han told him. Malice was feeling more and more, and clearly felt the contention between them. Something had happened long ago, something Kylo hadn't told her.

Malice was surprised to see Kylo comply, and took his helmet off.

The face she'd grown to have so many feelings for held no emotion now. He was blank faced.

"Your son, is gone." Kylo told Han. "He was weak and foolish, like his father. So I destroyed him."

Han continued to take small steps over to him.

"That's what Snoke wants you to believe." Han mentioned. "But it's not true. My son is alive."

"No." Kylo said simply. "The supreme leader is wise."

"Snoke is using you for your power! When he gets what he wants, he'll crush you. You know It's true."

There was silence for a moment before Kylo spoke up.

"It's too late." He said quietly. Malice could hardly hear what he was saying.

"No it's not, leave here with me. Come home. We miss you."

He wouldn't agree to come home, would he? What would happen to her?

Kylo's face started to flood with emotion as he looked at his father.

"I'm being torn apart. I want to be free from this pain. I know what I need to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it."

Her heart was breaking. He was in so much pain. He'd killed plenty of times. Was he going to be able to do this?

"Will you help me?"

"Yes, anything." Han said, sounding very fatherly.

Kylo dropped his helmet on the bridge next to him. He echoed off the walls of the room with a thud. He unclipped his lightsaber and held it out to Han. What in the world was he doing? Surely he didn't mean he needed help taking out himself? Malice gripped the edge of the column, ready to run to him if that happened. The room grew dark as the sun seemed to disappear. Father and son looked each other in the eyes in silence.

A brilliant red light lit up the room as Kylo plunged his weapon into Han's chest. Malice flinched, surprised. She heard Chewie roar in anger, and a female scream above that sounded like it belonged to the girl.

"Thank you." Kylo said softly. He pulled his lightsaber out again, and Han touched his son's face one last time before plunging into the pit below him.

Chewie roared again, and Malice saw a bolt from his gun fire, hitting Kylo in the side. He gripped his side, bending in pain.

"Kylo!" She screamed, running out from her hiding place. She sprinted across the bridge to him, crouching to see if he was ok. She took his face in her hands, and felt tears sliding down his cheeks. His side was bleeding heavily, but she could see his anger building on his face. Chewie began taking out stormtroopers, but Malice paid them no mind. Kylo looked up at her. His anger still present, but he touched the side of her face as well.

"You came back. You're ok." He muttered to her.

"Of course I came back, I lov-" she was cut off as everything began to explode around them. The wookie had set off the detonations. Smoke filled the air, and Kylo looked up. He glared at Finn and the girl, and slowly began to walk towards them. They ran out the door again, but he followed after. Malice kept pace with him, worried.

"Kylo I..I can't help you. They did something to me. Some sort of serum. It blocked my force abilities. It's wearing off but not enough to help you."

"Then get a ship prepared. As soon as I have killed them, I'll return." He growled. She didn't want to let him go off alone, but she had no choice. She watched him go, leaving a trail of spotted snow behind him.


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