Chapter Forty-One

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When the ship exited light speed, a large, slightly red planet loomed in front of them. It seemed to be almost entirely covered in desert, with a few mountain ranges speckled through. The ship entered the atmosphere, lowering gently into the sand. They took a commlink with them this time, to call the ship back when they needed it.

The exited the ship, taking their supplies with them, and gazed out at the planet. Besides being very red and very sandy, there was one element Malice hadn't been expecting.

It was reeking with dark side energy. It was energizing just standing there. Something had happened here, and it was something big. It had to have been to have released this much energy and then anchored it to the planet.

Malice looked around them, covering her eyes as the departing ship whipped up the sand around them. They had landed near a mountain range, and she decided that they needed to head that way. She took a few steps towards it before she felt Kylo's hand on her shoulder, stopping her. She turned to see what he was still looking at, and saw something she hadn't seen from the ship.

Ruins of some sort spotted the valley behind them. Had it once been a village? There was only one way to find out. They walked forward towards the collapsing village, and felt the sand tug at their shoes. She'd been on desert planets before, but none with sand as red as this.

The valley leveled out when they got to the ruins. It seemed whoever had built here had dug down till they'd reached a more sturdy material to build on. The homes had been made of what seemed like a mixture of stone and mud, and not many of them had anything inside of them. They all seemed to only be one or two roomed huts, with the occasional window put in.

Malice noticed a much larger and less destroyed building up ahead, but they continued to search the smaller homes. They didn't want to be ambushed if anyone was living here, so they did a quick sweep of the area before meeting up back in the middle of the houses.

"Are we looking for anything in particular?" Kylo asked her, looking around. She shrugged, glancing back up at the bigger building.

"I don't know, but I'd wager we'll get some answers there." She said, pointing up to it. It felt as though it was the biggest source of force energy, and Malice was eager to get inside. It was quite a bit farther than it had looked, but they finally reached it, both of them staring up at just how huge of a structure it was.

The big doors had some sort of inscriptions on them, but it was no language Malice had ever seen. They pushed as hard as they could to open them, but the doors refused to budge. The force energy was definitely coming from this spot, and perhaps it had been set up to guard the doors. Malice stopped Kylo from continuing to push and put one hand gently on the doors. Without putting in physical effort, she slowly pushed her own force energy into the doors, and they slowly opened without any resistance.

"It must have been set to protect whatever is inside from Jedi or non force users." She told Kylo, taking a tentative step inside. The room would have been pitch black if it hadn't been for the skylights in the roof.

"We could have just come through those." Kylo said, pointing at them. Malice shook her head.

"I'm sure they would've been protected as well, but probably with some sort of trap, since anyone meant to enter could do so without any trouble just through the front."

They both took their first real look around, and they were met with several different passages going in multiple directions after meeting in the middle of the room. the middle of the room had what looked like some sort of stone table. They approached it carefully, keeping a watch for traps. The walls were covered in the same types of inscriptions that had been on the doors.

Malice approached the stone table and laid a hand on it. It had one word on it, this one chiseled in Aurebesh.


Her eyes widened. She knew that name. Surely this couldn't be...

Kylo notices the look on her face and put a hand on her back.

"What is it?"

"This isn't a table. It's a tomb. This entire building is the burial place of the ancient Sith." She said in a hushed tone. "That's why the whole planet is covered in dark energy."

"Should we open it?"

Should they? She didn't want to be disrespectful, but the Sith, who she had now assumed were Bane himself and his apprentice, Darth Zannah, had asked her to simply come here. What if she was supposed to be looking for something that laid in the tomb?

She nodded, using the same method as she had used to open the doors and channeled dark energy into the tomb. But instead of sliding the lid off, the entire thing started to slide. Kylo pulled her back as the tomb slid to reveal a hidden chamber beneath it. Stairs led from where they were to the darkness below, and with a look at Kylo, she started down the steps.

Whoooo spoooooky Sith crypt. Whatever will they find?

 Whatever will they find?

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