Chapter Twenty-Nine and a half

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We interrupt your regularly scheduled fan fiction to bring you a bonus chapter. This is just a for fun chapter, that took place just before the movie would have started. Enjoy!

Malice had gone to find Kylo early one morning, wanting to see what training they'd have that day. But she found a note (so notes WERE still a thing) that let her know that he'd be gone on a mission all day and not to look for him at all. It was odd, but not the strangest thing she'd seen him do. Wanting breakfast, she'd turned and headed into the ship cafeteria.

She sat, eating whatever it was they were serving that day, when she heard a voice speak up.

"Hi. I'm Matt. I'm a Radar Technician." It said in s familiar voice. Malice looked up and saw what appeared to be Kylo with a blonde wig and glasses, wearing a Radar tech uniform.  He saw a poster on the wall that called him cry-lo Ren and many other things.

"That's so mean."

He tore the poster down furiously, slapping down the tray of food held by a nearby trooper, and grabbed the other troopers drink, throwing it at the wall and screaming.

"Sorry...employees." He managed to get out. He looked around angrily at the people staring at him, and came to sit across from her. She was sitting next to a stormtrooper and another officer, who looked up with concern.

"So do you guys like working here?" 'matt' asked them. The officer shrugged.

"Work is work."

"Yeah totally." Matt said awkwardly. Malice looked at him, wondering ehG in the world he was doing.

"What do you guys think of Kylo Ren? Do you guys believe he's going to finish what Darth Vader started?" He asked them.

"What exactly has he started?" The stormtrooper asked. The officer spoke up again.

"You know, I will say this for Kylo, I think he gets a bad rap. He's trying to accomplish something that's never been done in the history of the Galaxy! You know? Ruling everything? It's impressive, I admire the guy."

"Yes, exactly! EXACTLY!" Matt almost yelled at them. They finished their food in a very awkward silence before Matt stood, going to start his new job.

"You don't mind if I join you, do you Matt? As the current stand in for Kylo Ren, I should really keep an eye on new employees. make sure they're doing what's right."

'Matt' nodded stiffly, not saying anything to her. They met up with the lead Radar Tech, who raised an eye when she saw Matt. Glancing at Malice, who shrugged in response, they got to work.

"Today, you're going to rewire a calcinator." She said to him. He knelt down, opening the control panel and pulling out a random wire.

"So...this?" He asked.

"Does that look like the calcinator?" The woman asked. "What's wrong with you, why is it so hard for you to understand?"

"I don't know but can you please stop yelling at me? You're starting to stress me out!" Matt said in frustration. Malice nudged him slightly and nodded to which one was the calcinator. Once he had it in his hand, the woman continued.

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