Chapter forty-seven

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A few hours had passed on their travel back, and Malice had seemingly dozed off, her head resting against the seat behind her. Kylo was still fairly upset, still jealous that she had received training that he had not. His own master had been sure to let him know during his own training that he was separate from the Sith as well as the Jedi. He was somewhere in between, and he'd been proud of that. Pleased to be unique. But now?

Now he was afraid that his difference would cause him to lose Malice. And that was not allowed to happen.

Without warning, Malice suddenly sat up, gasping.

"Coruscant. We need to go to Coruscant."

Kylo tilted his head. Was this where she would be finding her apprentice? A faint smile came to his lips. Now she would have no choice but to take him along, since they hadn't yet arrived back at his ship to drop him off. He immediately hid this realization, not wanting her to see it.

"Coruscant? It's one of the most heavily populated planets in the galaxy. How will you manage to find an apprentice there?" he asked, folding his arms. Malice grinned.

"Just trust me."


The moment she set foot on Coruscant, Malice took a relieved breath in. She'd spent a good portion of her life here, though she hadn't been for quite some time. It hadn't changed very much. A few buildings replaced with growing businesses that had managed to claw their way to success on the glowing planet. This is where she had been taken, where she had been saved. The Jedi temple was no more, of course, but it was where she'd been when she'd been smaller.

"Well? Now what." Kylo asked, stepping out from the ship and looking around. "I can already tell that I won't enjoy this..."

He wasn't always fond of huge groups of people. He felt that, though he was clearly superior and more powerful than them, that he would still be outnumbered.

"I told you that you were welcome to stay with the ship," Malice answered, turning to look at him. "Though, I won't deny that I would greatly enjoy your help and company while searching."

Damn her. Damn feelings.

Kylo sighed, rolling his eyes.

"I can't just let you take off on your own. If something happened to you, Master would not be happy with me," he said. Deep down he knew that was not even close to the real reason he was joining her. Sure, she'd proven that she was more powerful, due to countless years of experience, but he still had that desire to protect her, to make sure he watched out for her.

"Very well, then let's be off." Malice said, calling for a smaller ship to take them around the area. Perhaps if they simply flew around for awhile, she'd pick up on something. Sidious had had it easy. Where better to pick up a force sensitive child than the Jedi temple itself? She was not going to have such an easy time. She was going to have to work for an apprentice.

Boarding the small vessel that hovered next to the landing dock, both Malice and Ren began to look around as it took off.

"Where to, miss?" the driver asked from the front of the ship.

"Just drive around for a little bit. I want to get a feel for the city."

"Ah, first time visiting Coruscant, then?"

"I've been here before, it's just been quite a long time. I want to see what's changed."

The driver seemed to accept this answer and took them around to different areas. Some of them had stayed the same, some were different, and while Malice took note of all of this, it wasn't her main concern. Her main concern was reaching out to find who her apprentice would be. Her first apprentice. She had a legacy to continue and she planned on doing so.

About an hour or so in, she caught something. It was small at first, barely glowing, but as they got closer it sparked to life, humming with force energy. She narrowed in on its location, before pointing out the building.

"There. Please drop us off there. Would you be willing to wait for us? I have no problems paying extra." She asked.

"Of course I can miss, but I feel I should warn you, that's a fairly shady bar. Why would someone like you want to go there?"

"Call it a hunch."


Inside of the bar, Arich was no stranger. His electric blue hair sat on top of his head, adjusted from time to time as he ran his fingers through it while gambling. The shaved sides made sure he didn't get too overheated, as often happened in the crowded club.

A grin split across his features, the ear clasp he wore shifting as he sat up.

"Looks like that's my win again, boys." he laughed, collecting his earnings. He'd never known why he was so good at this, but he hadn't lost in a very, very long time. His celebration was interrupted by a hand on his shoulder, and he looked up to see a woman who didn't exactly fit into the atmosphere. A man stood next to her, a scar on his face and looking like he didn't enjoy being there.

"Is there somewhere we can talk? I've got a proposition for you." Malice said.

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