Chapter Eight

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Kylo stopped in front of another door, this one very far from any others. A perfect, secluded area for a meditation room. Asante hoped that, with the new memories fresh in her mind, that maybe meditation would help relinquish the rest of them.

She stepped inside. The room had one large cushion in the dead center and that was it. Simple and reserved. She liked it.

Kylo turned to go and she put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

"I was actually hoping you could help me? You can use the force to get inside people's minds, and it's brought up memories before. I was wondering if you'd help with that again?"

"Of course I will." He said, walking into the room with her. She took a seat on the cushion, sitting on her knees and calming her breathing. He went to an unseen closet,pulling out another cushion for himself and placing it on the floor in front of her. He sat, pulling his helmet off and placing it beside them.

"You're sure you'd like me to do this?" He asked, his brown eyes gazing at her intently. She nodded, closing her own eyes and trying to focus. He placed his hands on the sides of her head, and the memories started. But something was different. They weren't flashes this time. They were full scenes playing in her head.

"If we succeed, we will alter what everyone knows about the force." The Sith Lord said, pacing next to her. She could only nod, ready to give her life, if need be.

The scene changed. She was sitting up on an operation table, flexing her hands. She didn't feel different. Looking into the reflective table, she didn't look any different, either.

"It may be some time before we know if we were successful." The Sith Lord said. His apprentice, a young adult, eyed her closely.

The scene changed again. The old Sith Lord was gone. His apprentice, now an older man, walked across the balcony of a large building, over looking the city planet. As she walked next to him, his apprentice spoke up.

"At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we shall have our revenge."

She felt like their relationship was a very close one, she and this apprentice.

The scene changed and she watched his body topple in half into an exhaust pit.

Another scene change and she was talking to the man that had killed her closest friend. But they spoke as friends. Or rather as false friends.

"I'm worried about Anakin." He said to her in his accented voice. "He's been acting out lately and I don't know what it is."

He frowned when she snickered.

"Kaila, it's not funny! I really don't know what to do."

"Don't worry, Obi-wan. You're a wonderful mentor. He'll straighten up, don't worry. I think this solo assignment is just what he needs."

His worried face shifted to one of distraught. Anakin stood, having struck down master Windu, and now knelt in front or Lord Sideous.

"Darth...Vader." Sideous named him. He motioned to her, standing next to him.

"Malice will accompany you on your mission to bring peace. Do not fail me."

The bodies of younglings. She had let Vader cover that himself. Most hadn't thought to draw their weapons. They went down first. So full of trust for the one they praised and looked up to. Who could have predicted this betrayal? She smirked. Sideous's plan had worked perfectly.

The time was years later. She stood aboard a ship very much like the one she was on now. Vader stood, a menacing shadow, overseeing the newly finished Death Star.  A princess was brought on board. Reaching out with the force, she felt...familiar. Strong willed and fierce, she reminded Malice of...

Another jump in years. Vader's son was found. Luke Skywalker. The newest Jedi. Vader tried to have him join them but Luke refused, letting himself fall into the pit he was swinging over.

Another vision. A great battle. A new Death Star, and Sideous himself confronting Skywalker. His face was much older, his eyes tired but intimidating. She remembered when he had been about her age...and all at once, he too was thrown into a pit. Vader had betrayed them? How could this be? What would happen to her? In the chaos, she had followed as Skywalker took his father by the arms and dragged him to a nearby ship.

Luke was pulling Vader's helmet off, and though his face was scarred, it was still him.

Still Anakin.

The fire on the forest planet. It was his funeral pyre. His helmet melted in the heat.

Luke had spared her. Without the other Sith, she wasn't sure what to do. He had introduced her to his sister, the princess. A scruffy looking man stood close to her. He was introduced as a smuggler.

And then,

Nothing. It all stopped, and Malice's eyes shot open, starring into Kylo's. He had no doubt been watching along with her. His eyes held so many questions. Amazement. Respect.

Though relieved to have her memories back, Malice couldn't stop a single tear from forming in her eye. It fell to her cheek as they say there, both recovering from all they had seen. His hand reached up, wiping it away. They sat in silence for awhile longer, before she collapsed onto the ground.

Whoa two chapters in one day, I'm on a roll! A big part of Malice's life has been revealed! Not all, but a lot! I hope you enjoyed!

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