Chapter Twenty-Seven

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When they arrived at the star destroyer, Malice gently helped Kylo stand and walked him back to his room. They opened the door to find Senzu, who had been moved over to this room by the stormtroopers. He had grown a bit and was very pleased to see them. As soon as Kylo was sitting, Malice picked the little Nexu up, holding it close.

"Now that we're home, I'll get started on your training." She told him. Senzu purred in her arms, not understanding but happy to have his mother back.

On the bed, Kylo had removed his shirt to examine the burn on his shoulder. It was healing nicely, but that wasn't exactly what she was paying attention to. She felt color flood to her face and looked down at the Nexu cub instead. Kylo didn't seem to notice her reaction, but continued examining his wounds.

She tried to calm her breathing and heart, taking a few deep breaths.

"Are you ok?" Kylo asked, noticing her change in attitude.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" She bluffed, glancing nervously to the side. He stood, his body stiff but he fought through it. She hoped he wouldn't walk over to her. She had more control than this, didn't she? She was a Sith Lord for crying out loud!

He didn't approach her, but he didn't put his shirt back on either. So she was stuck awkwardly looking away and trying to seem very focused on what Senzu was doing.

"Malice?" He asked her as she tried to lower her heartbeat. "Can you come look at the blaster wound? I want to try to take the bandage off but I don't want to make it worse."

She sighed, setting Senzu on the bed and preparing herself. Just focus on that one spot and she'd be fine, right?

Not right. She wasn't fine.

He was very well built. It wasn't surprising, seeing as they worked out and had lightsaber training everyday. He was lean and fit and she was trying so hard to not state. She looked down at the bandage, peeling one corner back. It would probably need to be on for at least one more day.

"Are you sure?" He asked, reading her thoughts.

"Yes, I'm sure. It needs to be fully healed. If we peel it off before, it'll rip the healing skin and open the wound off again."

"Well, I'll trust you then." He said, stretching lightly. That wasn't helping. It like he was doing it on purpose.

Maybe. He thought to her.

Her face grew red again, and she slapped him in the stomach. He chuckled, rubbing a hand where she'd slapped him. It hadn't been a hard or serious slap by any means. Just meant to show her frustration and embarrassment. He stoked her face gently.

"I'm sorry. I just picked up on how you were feeling and wanted to tease you. You aren't mad, are you?"

"Maybe." She huffed, crossing her arms. She turned, her back to the snickering man. He came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her. She continued to ignore him, which only made him try harder to get her attention. He grabbed a strand of her hair, tugging on it.

"Oh come on, Malice. You know you like it." His tone of voice had changed and it sent shivers down her spine in the best of ways. She refused to admit he was right. She still had her back to him, and he continued to tug on the same strand of hair. She could feel their force energies sparking again.

They hadn't been particularly close yet. Sleeping together that was actual sleeping and only that was about the closest they'd been. But she had s feeling that this wasn't going to end like that, if she chose to accept. She knew he would respect if she refused and leave it be.

Would she end up hurting him? He wasn't exactly at his strongest. Though the bacta had helped heal him quickly, he still wasn't 100% back to his normal self.

She turned, facing him finally. He wrapped his arms around her again, and their eyes met. The bandage across his face reminded her of the scar beneath. She knew he would pull it off very well. She touched his face softly, feeling the energy in the room grow and grow.

"I'm going to take Senzu to my room." She told him. She turned, picking the Nexu up and turned to walk out.

"You're coming back, right?" He asked.

"I think so." She said, winking. She walked out and into her own room, placing the Nexu in his little bed.

"I'll be back later." She told him, and walked back to the other room.

Oh dang, smut?! What is this? Implied smut? I don't hate it!

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