Chapter Two

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Asante felt like she was floating. It was such a peaceful feeling. She didn't even remember how she had gotten here, but she didn't really care. Another wave of splitting pain erupted in her head and it was followed closely by more memories. They seemed more...vivid than just dreams. Two cloaked figures standing over a table with someone strapped to it. Screams echoed through the room.

She seemed to jump forward. Was it a different dream now? More shadow figures. Who were they? And why did she keep seeing them. One of them looked directly at her, and she flinched.

Asante woke suddenly, drenched in sweat. She looked around to find she was in darkness. What had happened to the ship? Where was the crew? Who's bed was she laying on?

A bright light flooded the room as the door swung open. The figure she had been told was Kylo Ren walked in. He waved a hand and the light in the room flickered on, allowing her to see at least a little more of where she was.

The room was simple and bare. It contained the bed she was sitting in, a small table and chair, and a window that currently had its shutter down. Kylo Ren took a seat in the chair and looked at her, not saying a word. She raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what he planned to do next.

"You're curious. You don't know why you're here." He said suddenly. Could he read her mind?

"Yes, I can."

She blinked at him, suspicious, and careful not to think anything too loudly.

"I assure you, the loudness of your thoughts has little effect on my powers."

She folded her arms, glaring at him.

"Well, I wouldn't have to go poking around if you would just talk to me." He said, still seeming to stare at her.

"I don't know you. I don't know what happened to the ship I was on. I don't know where I am. Why in the world would I talk to you?" She spat.

"Hostility, hmm? Good. That's more like you." He said, pulling his helmet off. Dark curly hair spilled out around his face. His brown eyes were piercing, and seemed to be waiting for her to do something.

"What do you mean 'more like me'? You don't know me. I've never met you before in my life." She responded, still keeping a wary eye on him.

"Actually, that's where you're wrong. We have met, but it was a very long time ago, and I was much younger." He brushed a hand through his hair, pulling it away from his eyes.

"That seems odd that you would know that, but that's why we wouldn't remember. If we were both young-"

"I said I was younger. Not you."

Asante blinked at him, confused.

"If this happened multiple years ago, I would have been younger. That's how time works." She said, waiting to see if he would explain himself.

"You really don't remember anything?" He asked, sitting up farther in his seat. "Nothing from your life before?"

"What are you talking about?!" She finally yelled in frustration. "I've had this life. This normal, everyday life. I've never even met anyone taking part in the war until now! I've had no exciting life!"

He stood, and she was worried he was angry at her outburst, but he simply sat on the bed next to her.

"Let me tell you right now, this is going to be frustrating, difficult, and painful. But you are our key to winning this war."

She looked at him in shock. She was the key? How in the world was she going to help anyone?

"Have you heard of the Jedi and Sith?" He asked suddenly. Asante couldn't contain her excitement, and Ren definitely noticed.

"Ah, so you have. And what's more, the subject seems to interest you?"

She nodded. "Beings able to wield the power of an invisible force that surrounds the entirety of everything? Definitely interesting."

"Have you ever tried to use this power yourself?"

"Me? I already know I wouldn't be able to. That was just for super special people." She laughed. Ren looked at her intensely.

"And what makes you think you are not special?"


"See? No answer. The great Darth Vader started life as a slave on a faraway desert planet. And yet he developed into the strongest being in the galaxy."

Asante nodded, having heard the story of Vader many times. It was almost a legend now. The way Ren talked about Vader was as someone speaking of a god. Was he Ren's role model? They certainly had similar outfits.

"Tell me about your family." He asked, pulling her from her thoughts.

"Hm? Oh, I never knew my parents. Or any family for that matter. I was abandoned and raised by smugglers." She said, questioning in her mind why he wanted to know so much about her.

"Come now, you don't look anything like a smuggler." He said, leaning back. She laughed slightly.

"Just because I was raised by smugglers, doesn't mean I'm a smuggler. I'm not really...anything." She shrugged.

"On the contrary. You are everything. We have been searching for you for ages. You are a being of infinite power and ability. But something has happened to you. You don't remember." He said, frowning.

How had he found so many things to say that had utterly shocked her? She thought back to their first meeting, and the images that had ripped through her mind when he had touched her. They were so clear, yet she didn't recognize anyone she had seen.

"Here. I brought you this." He said, handing her a book. She looked at the cover. It was a book on the history of the Jedi and Sith! She opened it eagerly, and he chuckled, pulling his helmet back on.

"Take some time. Read that, and see if it triggers anything. I'll make sure you aren't disturbed."

He stood, opening the door, and took one last look at her, before stepping out and closing it behind him.

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