Chapter Four

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Sparks flew as Asante tried to hide behind a pillar in the room.

"I'm afraid hiding is pointless. There's nowhere in this room I will not find you." Kylo Ren's voice hissed from behind her. She was sweating profusely, having blocked a few of his attacks and gone to hide. What in the world was he thinking? Was he crazy? It wouldn't surprise her.

She raised her weapon just in time to block another attack that came from her side. The heat singed a piece of her hair off, and she spun around the opposite side of the pillar, falling to the ground. Ren followed right behind her, slashing at the ground with his lightsaber. Asante managed to stand again, turning to face him. He wanted a fight? Fine. She would give him one. She went for an overhead strike, which he blocked easily. Each of the next blows were met with the same defense, until finally, he elbowed her sharply in the chest, throwing her to the ground. She tried to crawl away and felt herself being lifted into the air. She was turned, facing Ren, as he observed her silently. She wasn't sure if he was going to stop or not, so she just took a moment to steady her breathing.

"Are you remembering nothing? Not a single memory?" He asked, breaking the silence. She shook her head.

"Please. I don't know what you want from me. I don't know what you're talking about. Please..." She pleaded, growing weaker as they spoke. Her muscles were finally realizing how sore and tense they were. Her adrenalin rush was slowing, and she was beginning to feel just what damage she had taken. Nothing to severe, but she had a burn across her back that was growing more and more painful.

"Forgive me." Ren said suddenly, and pressed his hand to her forehead. Asante cried out in pain, feeling as though her mind was on fire. She twitched and shook in the air, desperate to be free from his grasp. More images ripped through her head. The bodies of children, a planet exploding in space, looking down into a large pit.

Something in her snapped. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she unleashed a huge blast of force energy. Ren was pushed backwards into the wall and fell to his knees. Asante stayed hovering in the air, the whites of her eyes piercing. She floated slowly over to Ren, landing gently on the floor in front of him. He removed his helmet, looking up in awe.

"It's you. It's really you. We've been looking for so long." He said, eyes wide.

The being nodded, gesturing for him to rise. He did so quickly, brushing himself off.

"Will the girl remember who she is now? Will you stay like this?"

"The current mind will remember. Starting now, my memory will be uncovered piece by piece. I'm entrusting this task to you." She answered. Ren nodded.

"What is your name? I know it's not the one she goes by." He asked.

Her eyes suddenly rolled back, her pupils enlarged as she starred at him in shock of what had just happened.

"Malice." She said quietly. Ren had just enough time to reach forward before Asante collapsed into his arms.

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