Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Malice woke early the next morning. Kylo slept sounding next to her, and she starred up at the ceiling, listing to the slow rhythm of his breaths. She glanced over at him smiling slightly. Her eyes found what looked to be a bite make? Whoops.

Today was the day that they'd leave for Moraband, and she still wasn't sure what to expect. At least they would both have a lightsaber this time. Senzu would be staying here on the ship. She didn't want to bring him into some unknown territory. Who knows what kinds of creatures lived there? Perhaps the planet was full of people? She wasn't sure, so Senzu would be staying here.

Kylo turned in his sleep, rolling to face her. He didn't wake, and she brushed his hair out of his face. He sighed contently, perhaps feeling her presence in his sleep. She was amazed how close they'd gotten in the amount of time she'd been there. They had been somewhat cold to each other when she had arrived, but the return of her memory had brought them closer together. Seeing most of the aspects of someone's life tended to do that to you.

She carefully climbed out of bed, careful not to wake Kylo, and threw on a light nightgown. It made her look graceful and elegant, even being just a nightgown. She used to have normal dresses that made her feel the same way, but a certain reclusive Jedi had blown up the battle station holding them. Very convenient. Leia had offered her some at some point, but she'd refused. The alderaan fashion was too foreign for her tastes. She enjoyed the flowing beauty of Naboo,where she had been raised. Perhaps someday she'd visit and-

No. She couldn't do that. Surely someone would recognize her? She supposed everyone she had known there would be either dead or very close to it. Perhaps she'd pay it a visit. But it would be after their next trip. The mysteries of Moraband were both thrilling and terrifying, and they would need to be constantly on their guard. We're the ancient Sith perhaps leading her to something to aid in her search for a way to end her long life? She didn't think so. The Sith goal was to find a way to live forever, and she didn't think they'd be searching to help her for a way to end what they'd accomplish.

Kylo sat up quickly, suddenly breathing very heavily. Malice walked over to him quickly, sitting on the edge of the bed and running her fingers through his hair.

"What is it?" She asked softly. He put his head down in his hands, before looking up at her again.

"Just a nightmare." He answered. She guessed he didn't feel like elaborating and left it at that. She pulling him close, cradling his head against her. She'd had her share of nightmares, and on most occasions, he was there to comfort her. It was only fair she returned the gesture.

His breathing calmed as he let her hold him, building his composure back up again. He shook his head slightly, pulling from her grasp. He looked at her and her sudden change of clothing.

"You look beautiful." He said quietly, stroking her arm.

"Thank you."

He laid back down, slowly pulling her down with him. She laid her head on his chest as he rubbed her back, playing with the soft fabric that the nightgown was made of.

"What do we need to bring with us?" He asked her, she opened one eye before closing it again and shrugging.

"Lightsabers, food, clothes. I'm not entirely sure. I've never even heard of the planet. All I could find out from research is that it's got a lot of red sand. Maybe some mountains. But that's all the Holonet had." She told him, trying to remember if she'd read anything else, but that was all she'd read.

"Well, those things seem like a good place to start." He said, yawning and wrapping his arms around her. She enjoyed his closeness, feeling safe as he pulled her close.

"Oh, and sleeping things." She added suddenly. A tented structure of some kind and sleep wraps. Pillows.

"Good call." He answered, seeming close to falling asleep again. She nodded, closing her eyes again as well. She supposed a few more hours of sleep wouldn't hurt. It was always good to be energized, right?

Whoo getting ready for the trip! Nice little preparing chapter before they head out! Hope you're liking it!

Whoo getting ready for the trip! Nice little preparing chapter before they head out! Hope you're liking it!

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